KOLAPSE - americká anarcho-punk kapela.
US A-punk band. Music in the veins of Vice Squad, Avaricious, Autonomy etc.
KOLAPSE - americká anarcho-punk kapela.
US A-punk band. Music in the veins of Vice Squad, Avaricious, Autonomy etc.
Punková kapela PROBLÉM 5 a záznam z ich koncertu v Lamači. Koncert sa konal v Osvetovej besede Lamač. Hrala tam vtedy aj Zóna A svoj prvý koncert. Lamač bol v polovici 80-tych rokov jedným z mála miest, kde mohli hrať aj punkové kapely.
Slovakian punk band, their live set from 1984.
Punková kompilačka z Poľska.
Polish punk!!!
Slovenský prog-rock/jazz-rock.
Ako som videl Šebana v relácii Klubtúra, tak som si to pustil.
Angličan, ktorý žil roky v NY City a neskôr v Prahe.
Týpek hrá niečo medzi Caveom/Cohenom/bluesom s r´n´r nábojom.
OSELEDEC - Poliaci s ukrajinskými koreňmi hrajúci post-punk s rôznymi hudobnými vplyvmi.
Link: Oseledec.rar
Polish/Ukrainian post-punk/alternative.
Skladby z split LP-čky, ktorú som tu už kedysi dával. Pozri archív blogu.
Divný punk rock z Ruska.
Tchudo-Yudo - Seks-terror (1989).rar
Russian punk classic.
Podivný punk z Ruska.
Tchudo-Yudo - Pank opera ''Kayff'' (1996).rar
Russian punk.
IVANOV DOWN - zvláštny post-punk/experimental rock z Ukrajiny.
Post punk z Leningradu.
Post-punk/goth rock from Russia.
Hoci Vianoce už dávno skončili a začína pôstne obdobie, sú tu staré anglické koledy zo 17. storočia na starej kazete v úprave Paula Duryho.
Kedysi bola nahrávka uverejnená na blogu NO LONGER FORGOTTEN MUSIC, potom sa zjavila po 10-tich rokoch na You tube.
FARBEN LEHRE - punky/reggae/rock z Polska.
Link vďaka skvelému blogu http://stilon-c60.blogspot.com/
Polish punk band.
Punk rock s akordeónom z Litvy.
Punk from Lithuania.
CHERNOZEM - koncert v Moskve.
Punk group from Tyumen active since 80´s.
Alt/experimental rock z Petrohradu.
Alternative rock from Russia.
Nedávno bol doplnený príbeh zinu Ya basta na stránku CS Fanziny - Český a slovenský archív subkultúr.
Fanzine YA BASTA story.
Parádny melo-HC/punk z Chorvátska.
Download: https://ufile.io/kug8xnc8
CLIVOSŤ - post-HC/emo-core z Košíc.
Napísal som na ich kazetu aj recenziu, nájdeš tu: http://punkgen.sk/recenzie.php?id=609
Slovakian DIY HC/post-core/misanthropic music.
PUTTI - old school punk zo Sibíru.
Download:Путти - Антология Сибирского Панка.rar
Pozri aj:
Old school punk from Siberia.
Súčasný český punk!
Czech punk.
Muzika z celého sveta brnkaná na strunách.
Vydavateľstvo Dust-To-Digital zbiera staré vinyly a šelakové dosky z celého sveta a snaží sa zachovať toto hudobné dedičstvo. Dosiaľ spracovali viac než 50 000 záznamov.
Dá sa vypočut iba niekoľko songov, ale stoja za to.
Pozri aj:
World music.
Pokračovanie rozpravy o alterantívnej/punkovej scéne v Rožnove.
Zaujímavá kompilácia s kapelami z rôznych kútov sveta.
Info: Various – Остров Лакмаиера
Pokec o nahrávke:
"Not Yet Found" without the very poplike succeeded female singing is a respectable opener. Otherwise the SINGLE SWINGERS concept means more "ambitious dance music with much electronic". Their first CD seems to be swamped somewhere. However I haven't seen it anywhere.
FARBEN LEHRE are a current Punk Rock saurus from Plock with FRG experience. Occasionally they had problems in earlier times with the Polish text censorship. But in the meantime not anymore. Very recommendable is their Lp/MC/CD "Bez Pokory" - "Without humility". In addition new: "Samo Życie" - "Auto Live", the official last cassette of the band.
CELLO from Almada in the near of Lisboa are an international secret tip and have conveyed in the meantime nevertheless already 500 copies of their first CD "Alva" to the man or the woman in Germany. It sounds often like Mediterranean Folk Rock combined with music styles from several centuries. Their 2nd CD "In the shadow of time"is to appear in January '95.
The tape "Hände hoch!" by the Petrogradian JUGENDSTIL Wave Rock might have been approved of in Russia. The C.I.S. music-scene is totally reel and cassette dominated anyway.
Szombathely's ANIMA triggered my big surprise. Indeed there was a digital tape, but it was distorted senselessly in many points. So we had to keep ourselves at Kok A 's Ferro Demo in default of an ersatz delivery. Indeed this short instrumental piece isn't absolutely representative for the group, but from the listened material it attracted me the most.
In the 40ies JIM was the little elegant nickname for blackamerican Jazz musicians and this particularly from Cleveland + Yellow Spring to Seattle migrated band favorizes to play complex music at many levels. Amy Denio could enthuse herself for that once upon a time and produced some songs with them.
"Schwefelwelt" by DON STÄNDER is a flirt with the Science Fiction, simply the imagination of animated material with own consciousness and consequently a good occasion to flee from the sufficiently known human social life for some moments. From Don STÄNDER mainly tapes appeared and that in terrific small circulations.
PANICO are my favourite band in Italy and live at the time in the desaster area of Torino. "14th April 1930" exists also as a studio version on their Lp "Scimmie" - "Monkey". According to the information of the Lithuanian DZOOM fanzine maker, who through the breast. Suicide and farewell letter were only deceived therefore.
The Omsker band GRAZHDANSKAYA OBORONA can sing a song about, that an existence as free Rock musician or musicianess was and is often the hell in Russia, because money hadn't to be earned and also the KGB was alarmed already. Unfortunately also the mother of the first guitarist Babenko was involved there in an ugly way and that not as a victim, what meant a longer bill career. Nevertheless this group has escorted the daily Soviet-Russian hum-drum round like no other and published an immense tape mass, that was recorded with ancient equipment. After some things were already available on Vinyl, the publication of the total work on 6 CD's has been faced up.
MESSER FÜR FRAU MÜLLER from St. Petersburg are one of those groups, that measure out a purely meaning to the singing and renounce on lyrics largely, probably also because of nihilism. "Haare Von Marlene Dietrich" renounces on singing nearly completely and was shortened by us to a Russian Roulette Version afterwards. On their interesting Lp "Senors Crakovajk" they sound completely different.
The Wuppertal band THE LAST LAUGH pursues tremendous technical luxury with their recordings, but thanx to a homestudio they are in the situation to produce price convenient. The most works have appeared in tiny circulations on cassettes. Beside that there's also a contribution on the "Art & Dance IV" CD sampler and diverse films musics.
COUCH OF SOUND bring a fine drumming lesson with Matt Cameron, who could never romp out so well with his livelihood Soundgarden. Amy Denio grants him much space for unfolding and is also still sad today about cannot making music with him anymore. Their highly underrated tape "Rabagubus" has appeared in Europe on Mekka Conserveci.
Out of session with Expert from Inkwizycija comes this monster version of "Daleko". AHIMSA Warsaw worked on a CD at last..
Once upon a time IVANOV DOWN belonged to the Soviet-Russian underground scene, but had the mishap to live inKiev and were suddenly Ukrainians or Ukrainian Russians. It is to expect, that the musicians of this group don't find the total crash of the Ukraine so witty anymore sometime and change the adress. Because the most African countries had a higher per capita income this year than the atomic power Ucraine. "Moonk-Knoltz" was remixed specially for "Lacmeyer" during a teleghone call. Worldbankidyl '93: Income 1910 $ the year per nose, Inflation 103%, life expectancy 70 years.
"Braintransplantation" by SORVADA'S is original Budapest underground. Seems to be their best composition at all.
On of many unclear death cases in Russia is the abrupt ending of the Siberian songpoetess JANKA. We bring here two sides of her creating: The contemplative acoustic and the phoneful aggressive. This "as well as" applies to nearly everyone of her pieces.
AMY DENIO tours constsantly through Europe and is surely a trauma for many music journalists and journalistesses, because it's simply impossible to determine her to a certain style. Also the number of sessions and projects is incalculable. Once she directs herself, once she's simply only among the players. "Da" is really already made to measure for this sampler and comes from the CD "Tongues" on FOT Records, where she experiments with foreign languages. Unfortunately it's arranged badly around the future of this record, because stroke and stomach cancer befell the owner of the FOT.
Some bogy souls from Leipzig call themselves ALZHEIMER, like transversal music and punch and judy around gladly with phrases out of the wicked old times. Guitarrist Uhlig termed the band once as "5 little dictatorships", "alibi woman" included.
Miskolc is a smaller Hungarian city not too far away from the Slowakian border. A'POLO'K just coming from there published a CD with Comedy Wave Jazz on the Wilhelmshaven label No Wave. "Madmazel" composes already soft horror in comparison with that. Not too ago they played not totally expenditure guarding for two Pounds in the rame of a little Euro tour in southeast London.
SAHAR BELAYA SMERT are mainly orchestra musicianesses and musicians from Kiev with preference to the transversal, modern composeresses and composers in East Europe. In Newzealand once there was a duo with similar concept, namely Marie & The Atom. But SAHAR could also be a sovereign response on the early Electric Light Orchestra.
The last word of the Serious Party is due to the highly reputed Greek HardCore group GULAG from Thessaloniki. Two Euro tours have lead them already into the Federal Republic, too. Their Lp "In The Showyard" is still in pleasant memory. After a longer pause the band is very active again and is planning a new Lp.
So far the report from the Lacmeyer lagoon. I return to my colleague Doctor Shlunz!
Don Ständer in Nov. '94
Interesting international alternative rock/punk compilation released in Germany.
Splitko dvoch punkových kapiel.
PRAISER - HC-punks z Nemecka a STARÉ DETI - lo-fi HC/punk rock zo Slovenska.
Súčasťou DIY obalu sú aj texty a nálepky. Kresbičku na CD vytvorilo dievčatko s Downovým syndrómom.
Download: https://www.uschovna.cz/zasilka/HRFTTI7K7D6NLNN8-AFF/
Vyšlo na CD a na kazete koncom roka 2020 na labely Päsť na oko.
Pozri: https://stare-deti.webnode.sk/diskografia/
Split-album of two HC/punk bands.
Praiser from Gemany, Staré Deti from Slovakia.
YIRMEYAHU - experimentálny projekt Tadka, basáka kapely STARÉ DETI.
Pozri aj:
CUKOR BILA SMERŤ - underground z Ukrajiny.
Mix folku/alternatívy/stredovekej hudby.
Info: https://www.discogs.com/Cukor-Bila-Smert-Selo/release/750586