Ukrajinský etno-crossover/folk.
If you have interest for download link of recording, write me, I can share it with you.
(YOU TUBE version)
Ukrajinský etno-crossover/folk.
If you have interest for download link of recording, write me, I can share it with you.
(YOU TUBE version)
Video z koncertu pre Ukrajinu.
Vopli Vidopliassova naživo 1987
Prešovský pesničkár Edo Klena so skupinou Východ.
CD Info:
Rozhovor s Edom Klenom z časopisu ZRNO-Hlas č.8., február 1996.
HC/punk/punk-core za Garáži.
Texty ktoré sme rozdávali na koncertoch.
Pár záberov punkovej kapely STARÉ DETI.
Fotky nám spravil kamoš Braňo Vartovník, zachytil nás v našom prirodzenom prostredí.
Veľká vďaka.
Zaujímavá skutočnosť je, že Braňo sa po prvý raz ocitol na Garážach v roku 2002 (teda 20 rokov nazad) a práve na koncerte kapely ROVNOU CHODBOU, v ktorej som vtedy taktiež hral na bicie/spieval.
Na stránku kapely STARÉ DETI som pridal do sekcie "Kapela" dva rozhovory. Jeden je z portálu a druhý vlastne nie je rozhovor, ale naše odpovede na anketové otázky z fanzinu Predčasná vzbura č.14 (jar 2020).
Kapela STARÉ DETI aktuálne finišuje na novej nahrávke. Opäť s vplyvmi starého punku, peace punku, HC aj s trochou OI.
Dosiaľ sme vydali dve nahrávky, jedno demo koncom roku 2019, ktoré obsahovalo 2 songy, druhú ako split CD/kazetu s nemcami Praiser v roku 2020. Na Vianoce 2020 ešte vyšiel CD-r singel nášho hudobného Projektu (S)PLEENUTIA s jednou skladbou.
V uplynulom "korona-roku" 2021 sme so Starými Deťmi skúšali a nedávno u kamošov v skúšobni nahrali 10 nových skladieb. Tak snáď teraz na jar 2022 bude fyzický nosič vonku. A rysuje sa nám v apríli koncert na Garážach pod Prístavným mostom.
Blíži sa zaujímavá výstava.
11×7×1,5 cm. Toto jsou rozměry fenoménu jímž se zabývá první letošní výstava v Popmuseu–kazetám a jejich obalům.
Krabičkám, které v roli konzervy na hudbu a nástroje jejího sdílení rozšířily možnosti gramodesek a cívek s magnetofonovými pásky, aby nakonec předaly štafetu kompaktním diskům a následně jedničkám a nulám.
Výstava sleduje jejich stopu v českém a slovenském hudebním prostředí, se zvláštním důrazem na roli kazety jako alternativního nosiče k produkci oficiálních hudebních vydavatelství. A také jako svébytného artefaktu s originálním designem, který má v dnešní éře odhmotnění hudby obzvláštní šmak a dovede vyvolat orkán vzpomínek přeživších i úžas později narozených.
S.T.C.V., Fist Records, Fecal Records, S.I.R., 2nd vision, to vše a ještě víc bude k vidění do 12. května v Popmuseu.
HC/Punk z Jakutska.
Vypočuj tu:
This is SAKHA not Russia!
There's so much I have to say about this release, this embodies the very essence and reason I started W.G.M. Records; to release records of bands that are fucking amazing but not getting the attention they deserve because they aren't from a trendy, hyped or known scene, and CRISPY NEWSPAPER hit all those marks. Anyone who can see the parallels between that statement and TAM89 Records, good for you, TAM89 was one of my biggest inspirations to start a record label. I will forever be indebted to Luk Haas for his support for my activities at a young age and for his tireless work tracking down amazing punk from all over the world
CN are from Yakutsk, Siberia, in the heart of eastern Russia, the city that has the most northern scene in Asia and is also the coldest big city in the world with temperatures dropping around -40 degrees C/F in the winter. Not only that, Yakutsk has the most extreme temperature difference between winter and summer in the world, it also regularly gets above 90 degrees F in the summer.
Yakutsk is located in the Sakha Republic (don't call it Yakutia), the largest subdivision of a country in the world, but one of the most sparsely populated, with a little less than 1 million inhabitants, of which a third live in Yakutsk. The Sakha, a Siberian Turkic language speaking people, are the majority in the Republic and this is reflected in CN singing in Sakha and not Russian. Their political lyrics speak volumes of what life is like in Sakha and how it's distinct from the rest of Russia.
Ok enough of the fun facts and geography lessons, onto the music. When bandcamp first covered the Yakutsk scene, and I first got exposed to CN, I was completely floored. They have such a classic HC/Punk sound but is so unique to them. Their dynamics and song writing is spot on and on top of everything they are varied in delivery. From what I've seen of live footage, they and the audience in Yakutsk are all so authentic and fun, no posturing, just genuine PUNK!
After reading up on them in bandcamp, uniteasia, and even the LA Times, I thought surely someone had put in an offer to press some vinyl for them, they're one of the best punk bands in the world and getting this press coverage after all. One day I decided to contact the Youth of North people to see if CN had an offer and if not, if they'd want me to release their songs on vinyl. I'm so happy they're trusting me to do it!
-Aaron / W.G.M.
Cool release from Siberian band CRISPY NEWSPAPER, who write songs in their native Sakha, a Siberian Turkic language. The songs are short blasts of politically-charged righteous anger that are sonically rooted in US hardcore but energetic and passionate enough to stand out on their own. Lyrical themes range from traditional punk fare like trouble with authority and personal freedom to political violence like the Charlie Hebdo killings. Most interesting are the moments of insight into local issues, like the desecration of Sakha land detailed in “Алроса,” and standing up against a rich and disconnected political regime in “Тобурах.” It’s fascinating to hear from members of a culture that is so geographically remote but still experiencing many of the same issues that punks everywhere can relate to. Great release that is highly recommended.
Pre mňa neznáma post-punková kapela z Ruska.
Nemám ku tomu ani obal.
Any info about this band?
Ruská pesničkárka Svetlana Chapurina a jej debutový album.
Neskôr hrávala vo skupine "Dcéra Monroe a Kennedyho"
Russian female acoustic-folk/punk played on domra.
Ruský punk-rock so ženskou frontmenkou a rôznymi hudobnými vplyvmi.
Tu v linku je ich prvá vec:
Russian female fronted alternative rock/punk rock.
I am looking for download links to demos, live sets of this band.