Rád by som počul nahrávky projektu KOHOK z produkcie vydavateľstva Bledé nahráwky. Nemáte niekto niečo z tej produkcie?
Niekoľko recenzní na KOHOK sa objavilo v zine Biosphere v prvej polovici nultých rokov (číslo 5). Keď to vyhrabem, dám to sem.
Dík za akékoľvek info.
P.S. Už som našiel tie recenzie:
Pozri prípadne aj:
Hello, I don't speak slovak, my bad. I came across that page on Discogs years ago, too; the artist in mention is not KOHOK, it's >IOHOI<.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťSince it felt weird that the label page and all releases on their profile have no comments or interaction whatsoever, I left some random comment there. A week or two later, I received a message by the guy behind the label that-I believe-is also the artist. He sent a link to my e-mail with a download link. I deleted my Discogs account some time ago, I suggest you could message the guy behind that label. Good luck!