štvrtok 26. mája 2022

SKÖL - Uzmi I Reži [Full EP (1991)]


SKÖL- HC/punk z Chorvátska. Dosku mi kedysi venoval priamo Zdenko Franjić, vydavateľ.

Tu je jej You tube verzia.


HC/punk from Croatia.

streda 25. mája 2022

Saša 21 – VD - i2 (2020)


Rock and rollový post-punk/alt-rock z Puly. Na gitaru hrá Saša, člen legendárnych KUD IDIJOTI.


Saša má aj svoje distro, predáva dosky, kazety a nejaký iný merch a cez leto stretnúť ho môžeš v stánku v uličkách starej Puly.


pondelok 23. mája 2022

Neo Contrabanda - Caucasian Criminal Core (1998) [Full Album]


Hard-core/crossover z Gruzínska.


Released on cassette, this must be one of the most confrontational punk albums in Georgian music history. There hadn't been any music as ferocious and raw perhaps from times of Outsider's debut vinyl "Inside", that came out in 1992. This recording, mostly of hardcore punk / crossover thrash variety, is obscene, in-your-face, features the singer that could sometimes pass as a death metal vocalist. 15 short songs, that whistle like aural bullets through the listener's brain, throw verbal punches in the best traditions of punk rock - and put into the context of stark realities of Georgian 90s, the lyrics attain even more importance.

piatok 20. mája 2022


Punk v Gruzínsku

Pred niekoľkými rokmi som na blog Muzika-Komunika napísal stručný článok: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2010/04/georgian-wave-gruzinska-vlna.html o punku a novej vlne v Gruzínsku. Vychádzal som z vtedajších informácii z netu a z niekoľkých nahrávok, ktoré som počul na Myspace. Samozrejme môj pohľad bol značne obmedzený. Jeden z komentárov pod článkom ma odkázal na starú post-punkovú kompiláciu. To bol taký prvý vhľad do miestnej scény. 

V linku je odkaz na tú nahrávku, post-punkovú kompiláciu s gruzínskymi kapelami: https://archive.org/details/punkwave-from-georgia

Nedávno som navštívil Gruzínsko aj osobne, s cieľom primárne dozvedieť sa niečo o tamojšej punkovej/alternatívnej scéne a zažiť kúsok z nej na vlastnej koži.

Vybral som sa tam koncert estónskej kapely HUIABELLA FANTASTICA, ktorá išla v koncom apríla/začiatkom mája turné po gruzínskych mestách a končila v Tbilisi za podpory miestnych kapiel. 

Inak niekoľko nahrávok gruzínskych post-punk-rockerov MTVARIS DABNELABA, ktorí ten večer hrali, som už zverejnil na blogu pár týždňov dozadu a záznam z vystúpenia Estóncov si môžeš pozrieť v tomto linku: HUIABELLA FANTASTICA Punk Tour '22 | Tbilisi

Keď som teda skonsolidoval letenky a ubytko s dátumom koncertu v Tbilisi, skontaktoval som sa s Datom, organizátorom turné, (svojho času bubeníkom v HC/punk kapele VODKA VTRAIOM), ktorý momentálne hrá na bicie v HC/punk/crossover kapele GERCHI s ktorou v ten večer popri tom celom organizačnom murmaji robil aj support.

V Tbiliskom klube Bunker sme sa po koncerte chvíľu rozprávali a Dato, hoci bol naozaj unavený z predošlých koncertov a organizácie, bol veľmi prívetivý (trochu mi pripomínal nášho Fera Maxina), trpezlivo odpovedal na moje otázky a potom ma s kamošmi pozval na bagetu do Subwayu. Tam sme ešte pokecali, dal som mu nejaké CéDečká s českou/slovenskou muzikou, rozlúčili sme sa a ja som vyšiel do daždivej noci...bolo asi štvrť na dve.

Po návrate domov som poprezeral fotky, prežul dojmy a navrhol Datovi krátky rozhovor prostredníctvom Messengeru. Pripravil som niekoľko otázok, na ktoré vskutku promptne odpovedal.

Tak tu je k dispozícii stručný náhľad do minulosti (a aj súčasnosti) gruzínskej punkovej scény (v pôvodnom znení):

Otázky: Mišo

Odpovede: Dato

Dato Tsomaia

1. Dato, please, can you describe the beginning of the punk movement in Georgia? Can you mention some early 80's / 90's punk bands?

The beginning of punk rock in Georgia was in the late 80s, as Georgia was part of the Soviet Union and the borders were closed, so very little information came to Georgia and the whole USSR about modern music and what was popular in the world. Things changed a little bit in 80s and the modern music influence started to enter Georgia, but I can’t say that there were not any rock bands before. Rock music history started in Georgia in the early 1960s.In the end of the 80s and beginning of the 90s there were two main underground stages in Georgia, Tbilisi and Kutaisi. Kutaisi was more hardcore punk, and Tbilisi was more into post-punk, but of course there were punk and post-punk bands in both cities.For example, from Kutaisi: Outsider, Best History, Bunkeri, Pulsi and many more. From Tbilisi: Retsepti, Taqsi, Children’s Medicine, Prizi...

2. RETSEPTI - post-punk / dark-new wave from Tbilisi. Do you have any information about former members? What are they doing now?

Retsepti was and is one of the most influential bands in Georgian underground. They released one album and then disbanded. The lineup of the band was: Lado Burduli - Guitar/Vocal; Zaza Sakhamberidze - Guitar/Back Vocal; Vova Vardaniani – Drums; Kakha "Jozef" Gugushvili – Bass;  Shalva Khakhanashvili – Piano; Sandro "Kirpicha" Kapanadze – Saxophone. I don’t really know them personally. The only thing I know is that the drummer passed away a few years ago. 

The lead singer Lado Burduli continued as a solo performer, and he recorded new songs and albums. He also started some big music festivals in the early 2000s like Caucasian Rock Fest. Recently he took a pseudonym “EMPEROR” and is performing under this name.

3. I heard about the Tbilisi Spring Rhythms festival in 1980, which was the first rock festival in the whole USSR. Do you have any information about the festival?

Spring Rhythms 1980, otherwise known as Tbilisi Rock Festival, was the first and last ever official rock fest in the whole Soviet Union, if you don’t count the Monsters of Rock Festival in Moscow in 1991 (with Metallica, Pantera, AC/DC).

Spring Rhythms 1980 was not a classic rock festival. It was held in a state-run philharmonic concert hall, with all of the attending people sitting in chairs, and a jury who gave points to performing bands. It was more like a Soviet nomenklatura show. But still it had a big cultural impact on all Soviet rock. There were bands from all over the Soviet Union, from Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Turkmenistan, and of course Georgia itself. Among the participants were big Russian rock bands such as “Mashina Vremeni” which became the winner of the festival, and the band “Aquarium” which was disqualified for “incorrect behavior on stage” :)

Dato plays the drums (VODKA VTRAIOM)

4. What is the punk scene of Georgia today? Bands, clubs, fanzines, records ...? What punk styles are the most popular in your country - post-punk?

At the moment punk music is more or less active in Georgia. There are few bands who perform often. Bands like “Nu Miekrdnobit”, “Minda da Vtkhri”, “Gerchi”, “Dagdagani”, “Panika”, “Anarekli”, “Vodka Vtraiom”, “RKO”, “Stress”, “Otakhshi Shavi Kataa”, “Cycle Error” are among today’s most active bands. 

Here in Georgia there are not many punk clubs, but the ones that exist are in Batumi, Kutaisi, and Tbilisi.

No fanzines at all :/

The bands I mentioned above are mostly into pop-punk, grunge, hardcore punk, and alternative, but post punk is also very popular, by groups like “Mtvaris Dabneleba”, “Skazz”, “Xerox” and so on.

5. What music media do Georgian groups prefer? CDs, cassettes ... online streams? Why not vinyls?

In Georgia the most popular music media is the internet: Youtube or Spotify, or also Soundcloud. It is not very popular anymore to release music on physical carriers, because nobody buys them, or very few. I think it is more a social problem, because people don’t have the money to buy cassettes or CDs or vinyls. It is even much more unusual for people to buy band merch here than in Europe. 

Some bands have released their albums as physical CDs, but they give them to their listeners mostly as gifts and souvenirs.



Short introspection to punk in Georgia. Interview with Dato Tsomaia (band GERCHI) about scene in Georgia.


utorok 17. mája 2022

sobota 14. mája 2022



Včera to na Garážach vyzeralo ako na Drienku. 

Bol folk/etno/nomad/hippie večer.

Tak si dnes dáme niečo na ľudovú nôtu.



Slovak ethno/folk band.


štvrtok 12. mája 2022

ABUSUS - Abusus (2006)


ABUSUS - anti-alkoholický projekt Braňa Jobusa.

ABUSUS - Abusus (SK 2006).rar

Braňo Jobus info: https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Branislav_Jobus


Slovakian weird-electro-post-industrial project with anti-alcoholic message.


streda 11. mája 2022

Mtvaris Dabneleba (მთვარის დაბნელება) - Etsekve Kedlebs (Dance To The Walls)


MTVARIS DABNELEBA - post-punk/goth rock z Gruzínska.



Mtvaris Dabneleba (Lunar Eclipse) was formed in the autumn of 2013 in Tbilisi,Georgia. The group has performed many concerts all around Georgia as well as in neighborhood countries and Europe. Mtvaris Dabneleba recorded some songs and is currently working on the album.
Current members are:

Giorgi Spanderashvili - Bass-guitar, Vocals.
Giorgi Chxobadze - Guitar.
Irakli Chikviladze - Drums.

piatok 6. mája 2022

Mtvaris Dabneleba (მთვარის დაბნელება) - Avad (ill)


Mtvaris Dabneleba - Gruzínsky post-dark-punk.

მთვარის დაბნელება ( Lunar Eclipse) - A Post-Punk, Old School Goth band from Tbilisi, Georgia.



Mtvaris Dabneleba (Lunar Eclipse) was formed in the autumn of 2013 in Tbilisi,Georgia. 

The group has performed many concerts all around Georgia as well as in neighborhood countries and Europe. 

Mtvaris Dabneleba recorded some songs and is currently working on the album.

Current members are:
Giorgi Spanderashvili - Bass-guitar, Vocals.
Giorgi Chxobadze - Guitar.
Irakli Chikviladze - Drums.

V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up