štvrtok 29. júna 2023

Бумбикс (Boombyx) - Во оазата на мирот (Vo oazata na mirot)


BOOMBYX - Macedónsky HC/punk-alternative/crossover.

Bumbiks was a crossover/hardcore band from Skopje, Macedonia that existed from 1994 till the end of 1999.

In the time of their existence they managed to record/release one album called - In The Oasis Of Peace.

streda 28. júna 2023

Teло-наука совршена - Омладина '89 / Telo-nauka sovrshena - Omladina '89


Dark-wave/post-punk kapela z Macedónska naživo na festivale OMLADINA ´89 v srbskom meste Subotica.

Omladina bol festival nových interpretov na scéne, z krajín bývalej Juhoslávie.

(Telonauka Sovrshena v Subotice, 1989, zdroj: FB)

utorok 27. júna 2023

Banana Fish - odbrani dela 1985​-​1990


Banana Fish - alternatívna impro-muzika z Macedónska.

Banánové rybičky – Tony Adjinikolov, Igor Toshevski, Peritsa Georgiev – Pepsi a Tanja Miljoska boli „hudobným sektorom“ umeleckej skupiny Zero. Ide o vybrané nahrávky ich improvizácií, ktoré vznikli v rokoch 1985-1990 vo štvrti Kozle v Skopje, nahrané na mono kazetový magnetofón Toshiba.

Ilustrácia na obale: Peritsa Georgiev


Macedonian alternative-impro music.

sobota 17. júna 2023

Martin Pálka - Život a cesta pana OM (2003) CD

Martin Pálka - Život a cesta pana OM

V roce 2003 se podařilo uskutečnit zajímavý projekt básníku a textaři Martinu Pálkovi. Svou sbírku básní Život a cesta pana OM prezentoval v jakémsi paradivadelním vystoupení. Verše předčítal sám autor zahalen v cigaretový dým za doprovodu kytar a pantomimického dua Masky. Život a cesta pana OM ve vsetínském Lidovém domě 15.10.2004. Charismatický zjev i hlas Martina Pálky, kytarový doprovod, který osciluje od jemného moll po razantní nástupy a pantomimu, která dala všemu další rozměr – mohli poprvé lidi vidět v Jazz-clubu v Havířově odkud je fragment videozáznamu.

Kromě videonahrávky vzniklo i audio CD. Na celém projektu se podíleli: recitace Martin Pálka / kytara Martin Melichar / basa Petr Zemobashrubostrun Zeman / kytara Dušan Zajac / pantomima Alenka Sršňová / zvuk Pavel Pery Kareš / doprava Krtek /foto Jaroslav Kubík.

Online: https://archive.org/details/martin-palka-zivot-a-cesta-pana-om-2003

pondelok 12. júna 2023



Vždy, ako sa blíži leto, dostávam chuť na balkánsky punk.

Tento raz punk rock z mesta Subotica.

Zli podstanari a ich demo z roku 1988.

Info o kapele: https://svatamuzika.com/knjiga/osamdesete/zli-podstanari/

nedeľa 11. júna 2023

ROSA EXTRA - Extrakte 1980​-​1984


DDR punk.


Rosa Extra branched out from Der Schwarze Kanal, probably the earliest proto-punk incarnation of East Berlin. As a "Singeklub Punk Band" Der Schwarze Kanal confronted the GDR singing movement, which was propagated in competition with Western-style beat, with its systemic cheerfulness and depressing belief in the future. Rosa Extra's contempt for the system also manifested itself in the aesthetic rededication of a thoroughly deconstructed understanding of art in the GDR. No other punk band stood so clearly in a literary tradition as Rosa Extra. The band's punk components consisted less of radical dissidence and more of chronic rage. As essential as the battle cries of other punk bands were to the movement, Rosa Extra's poetry pogo was not aimed at demonstrative protest. Rosa Extra preferred to use texts by poets who were friends of the band; for poetry to become song again.

The vibrations emanating from Rosa Extra eventually resulted in a multitude of bands and projects, the likes of which hardly any other underground band can boast, namely Hard Pop, Aufruhr zur Liebe, Ornament & Verbrechen and Corp Cruid. Almost all of them were part of an anti-social(ist) canon whose radicalism represented nothing more than a countercultural consistency combined with subcultural competence.


Check also: http://database.unearthingthemusic.eu/Rosa_Extra

štvrtok 1. júna 2023

REMDIK - S/T album (2023)


REMDIK - útočný OI/street-punk/core zo Žiliny. 

Ex - Staré Deti a kopa iných kapiel.


Band info:

The idea to start a band of this calibre dates back to 2008! Time tested this idea and Remdik was formed with two blood brothers and two non-blood brothers. The first material contains eight songs with confrontational content, nostalgically reminiscing about the past, but also responding to today's fucked up times! Remdik is no ordinary band, Remdik is a family!

All songs were recorded, mixed and mastered by Brian Bajak.

Cover by court painter Ajshe!

The album will see the light of day as a cassette on the Balkan label DIY conspiracy!


Kazetová verzia albumu čoskoro na labely 161 Strikes:


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up