I would like to mention one good book today. It is called "Kytary a řev aneb co bylo za zdí". (Punk a hardcore v Československu před rokem 1989) ("Guitars and scream or what was behind the wall" (Punk rock and hardcore in Czechoslovakia before 1989). Book was released in 2002 (and I though that was one reprint). It is really well-written book which covers some historical conectivities, bands, profiles, lyrics, releases, photos...etc and thoughts/opinions of autor. Autour want to stay in anonymity because of some reasons. Book is written mainly in Czech, but there is English summary.(And many good photos) Book is probably sold-out, but maybe you can try contact: orba@seznam.cz
here is part (not complete text) of English summary from this book:

and some article from archive: only in Czech
from VOKNO č.28, 1993

If you are interested about punk music from East-Europe, you shouldn´t miss the http://nomorevictim.blogspot.com/. Blog about punk and wave - mainly about Hugarian scene in 80s. Great!!!.

or http://stilon-c60.blogspot.com/ which I mentioned some posts back. Many bands of 80s from Poland!!!
You also can read the interview with Arturro who run that blog here:
Another great blogs are:

http://austrianpunk.blogspot.com/, where you can find Austrian punk/hc!!!

http://corpusdelicti-kktz.blogspot.com/ where you will find many Ex-Yugo bands, from punk to grind.
By the way - Yugo punk. For sure check this myspace http://www.myspace.com/fajtbek + here are interesant articles which I found on internet, read and enjoy: (in english)


