"Victims of safety pin" is compilation (now sold-out) originally released as LP of polish punk bands from late 70s/early 80s. You can find here bands like DEUTER, REJESTRACJA, KSU, TZN XENNA, BRAK and more...
Done by Jason Flower, Canadian music freak (you can also read the interview with him on this blog before) and running label Supreme echo.
It is not a bootleg, cos as Jason said "traveled allover Poland hanging out with those musicians and making that LP with them. Only Nocny Szczury and Tass could not be contacted. All else is legit."
And you can read also on myspace of Supreme Echo label:
VICTIM OF SAFETY PIN "Polski Punk Underground 1977-82" LP. SE 2003. SOLD OUT
The critically acclaimed, first and most accurate documentation on the development of punk, new wave, and hardcore in the former People's Republic of Poland. “This document provides not only in depth history's of each band featured, but also a well constructed history of rock and roll in Poland, and it's eventual evolution into punk - and how it all fits into the sociological, cultural, and political world around it.” “Seriously, I feel that this is one of the most interesting and crucial pieces of punk rock's forgotten history, and I recommend it most highly.” (MRR - Nov. 2003). 17 songs, 14 groups, 20 page booklet with massive essay and biographies. 1100 pressed.
Complete booklet of this compilation:
Mikulášska nádielka v podobe kompilačky poľských punkových kapiel z konca 70tych a začiatku 80tych rokov. Originálne vyšlo ako LP na labely Supreme Echo.
Môžeš si stiahnuť aj kompletný booklet (vyššie) a ako bonus som tu dal aj články pojednávajúce o niektorých kapelách z kompilačky - konkrétne o KRYZYS a TZN XENNA (články sú zo zinu Oslí uši)

cover :)