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Dal som sem tiež link na jeden album kapely YAT-KHA zo Sibírskej republiky Tuva, ležiacej na pomedzí Sibíru a západného Monglolska. Prvý krát som o tejto kapele dozvedel z knihy Luk Haasa "Discogaphy of easteran european punk music 1977-1999" (už som ju na blogu spomínal), neskôr som si nahral a napálil niektoré albumy. Zaujímavá hudba vychádzajúca z tradičnej hudby Tuva - hrdelný spev, alikvótne tóny, v kombinácii s rockom.
Tuva Rock:

Hi, check the links above...and enjoy world-rock music.
Yat-Kha was founded in Moscow in 1991, as a collaborative project between Kuvezin and Russian avant-garde, electronic composer Ivan Sokolovsky. The project blended traditional Tuvan folk music with post-modern rhythms and electronic effects. Kuvezin and Sokolovsky toured and played festivals, and eventually took the name “Yat-Kha,” which refers to a type of small, Central Asian zither similar to the Mongolian yatga and the Chinese guzheng, which Kuvezin plays in addition to the guitar.
from Wikipedia
and info from http://bluesmen-worldmusic.blogspot.com/2008/05/yat-kha-tuva-rock.html:
"Yat-Kha come from Tuva, out on the borders of Siberia and western Mongolia. They dress like throw-backs to the hippy psychedelic era, and create some of the most extraordinary noises on the planet. Albert Kuvezin is an exponent of the local style of throat-singing, which allows the performer to hold more than one note at once while producing surely the deepest growls on record. He is also a guitarist who likes to switch between gentle acoustic passages and frantic electric solos, and he leads a band that also includes such traditional Tuvan stringed instruments as the Igil. The resulting songs are gloriously exhilarating, being at their best treating Tuva's gutsy traditional songs to the trademark blend of wild rhythm and growls. These range from exuberant growled rockers like Come Along to slow growled ballads, all with lyrics in English and sounding as if he is desperate to join the western pop mainstream."
+ check:
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