Čaute, dostal som nedávno mail od Mysha z bieloruskej punk kapely
"Hello again!
"PUNK-ROCK WITHOUT BORDERS " part 6 is ready for distribution!

Different bands from 10 countries of the world take part in the compilation:
NO LIMITS |slovenia| DOÑA MALDAD |venezuela| .DISSONANZA. |italy|
DEZINFEKCE |czech republic| OLE AND THE ORKS |germany| HEVN |norway|
RABIES |czech republic| I HOPE YOU SUFFER |croatia| LA CASA FANTOM
|norway| JUDITH |italy| STERILE VERGIFTUNG |germany| DR. ZERO
|slovenia| STAGNATION IS DEATH |poland| PNS |czech republic| ’tVETTIG
FRONT |belgium| CAUSE OF DIVORCE |germany| SVINE! |czech republic|
FAAK AM SEE |croatia| SLOWA WE KRWI |poland| HIRNSÄULE |germany|
PRŮMYSLOVÁ SMRT |czech republic| PARTiYA |belarus|Link for download "PUNK-ROCK WITHOUT BORDERS " part 6 and cover:
http://www.mediafire.com/?hc436jqyf6v9w7wMore information:
http://primitive-distro.blogspot.com/Good luck!
Mysh / PARTiYA
Here is also some old interview about PARTIYA which I done with Mysh. It was done by mail, sometimes after their Slovakian gig:...here is short history from their myspace:
PARTiYA band was formed in Minsk (Belarus) in September 2000. We are playing crust-punk: sometimes in pretty up-tempo, sometimes in mid-tempo or something of that kind. Originally and till today there are 3 members in the band. Several bassists changed in time of its existence and at the beginning of 2006 we also changed the drummer (Bobai). He played with us quite a lot of time. Some of bassists were playing for a long time (year, year and a half), some one rehearsal / show.
In 2004 after "Easter" concert we got much problems which nobody could foresee... but it had happened. We had not played for some time... In the summer of 2005 PARTiYA began to play again with previous line-up but with new bassist Babushka. We took part in some concerts in Minsk. And... we decided not to count statistic of changes in band's line-up: who and when played, why he left the band and so on... Who is interested in this info? If someone wants to know you can ask me by email or, for example, on meeting. In any case many thanks to all who played with us!
And now let's jump in 2007 (cool that we can do it). At the beginning of this year we made a record with title «CHILDHOOD» with line-up: Duser - bass, Mysh - guitar and vocal, Lyosha «Majonez» - drums. Then we went to Germany on a tour which finished with a concert in Minsk.
Today PARTiYA is
Mysh - guitar | vocal
Eltsyn - bass
Majonez - drums
About records (what is usually called discography):
• "A/Ya" (we don't distribute it now from our personal considerations).
• "Garage-Concert" – demo record.
• test record which includes 4 tracks. There we experimented with sound. The result wasn't very good. So these songs were not included anywhere.
• "Punk is My Life!" - record of 2003.
• "CHILDHOOD" - record which was made at the beginning of 2007.
questions: mišo
answers: mysh
1. When and why started Partiya? Why did you choose this name? Your influences?Mysh: PARTiYA was formed in 2000, it was the time when our first rehearsal took place. The line-up changed plenty of times since then… Why did we start playing? We had a wish to make something of our own, to express ideas in our own way. I definitely don’t know if we managed to do that or not. Lookers-on see more than players…And “why PARTiYA”? This name is not political at all, it’s not some kind of communistic name as some people used to think… If to be brief: the youth often enters different parties, complies with their obligations, rules, laws and absolutely does not want to live free. And young people in such organizations get cheated, hypnotized etc. As a result people become zombies, they are repeating some slogans, sometimes thoughtlessly and at times they even contradict themselves… But our PARTiYA is the opposite side of everything I was talking earlier about, it doesn’t oblige anybody to anything. A free movement with your ideas and actions. Because everybody chooses what he needs, doesn’t he? This is the idea of the name. I would like to add that I invented the name for the band long ago, and probably it would be quite different if we choosing it right now, but it remains the same since it already has “stuck” to us.
Influence? (It’s quite easy) – the desire to do something. Well, I told a bit about it at the beginning of the question.
2. What kind of activities are you doing besides the band? What music do you like, what books...or what else?Mysh: I am engaged in making of “Primitive-Distro”, compilation which is called “Punk-Rock Without Borders”, “oD.I.Y.sia!” zine, now and again I’m making ANARCHOWISTLE project (noise/grind/punk), I’m making some money on the side and I am busy doing something else when I’m not lazy and have spare time and desire. If to speak about music I prefer anarcho-crust-punk-grind-bands. Other members of the band listen to different music from d-bead to experimental music. I don’t read books at all recently, I don’t have enough time… it’s a pity, I read zines which are sent to me.
3. Your last album is called "Childhood". Why did you choose this title? Tell something about lyrics...who wrote it? Tell short about your previous recordings - please write your discography.
Mysh: This is from the comment on the cover of PARTiYA’s “Childhood”: One of the independent opinions: it is better to be “unpromising” and “primitive” in this case than to be “promising” cattle-crap beating others’ faces and filling their pockets. Better…
…out of acacia flowers I’ll make a whistle | And because of that I’ll feel a burst of energy | Out of acacia flowers I’ll make a whistle | And because of that I’ll feel a senseless delight | childhood childhood childhood childhood … | childhood childhood childhood – kindergarten | I’m unpromising | I’m primitive
Mysh: Generally I’m writing lyrics and they are kind of anti-social, each of them carries some personal feelings. To my mind it’s senseless to describe each of them here because if you visit www.distro-fik.tk website, in the section “PARTiYA” you can find lyrics and comments to “Childhood” record. Everything is written easy to understand and in detail there in two languages: Russian and English.
And here is the band’s discography:
• "A/Ya" (we don't distribute it now from our personal considerations).
• "Garage-Concert" – demo record.
• test record which includes 4 tracks. We experimented with sound there. The result wasn't very good. So these songs were not included anywhere.
• "Punk is My Life!" - record of 2003.
• "Childhood" - record which was made at the beginning of 2007
• "Statistics" – recorded in 2008. Split with TROTZREAKTION band from Dresden (Germany)
4. What you seems to be important in punk scene? What means D.I.Y. for you?Mysh: The following things within the punk scene seem of great importance to me: sincerity, understanding, action! D.I.Y. for us… we are trying to do something ourselves not paying attention to commercial labels. To be independent of commerce and mass consumption – this is the D.I.Y.!
5. Tell something about history (if you know) of punk in Belarus and something short infos about present Belarus punk/hc scene, (can mentioned bands, fanzines...etc.)Mysh: For me personally the Belarusian punk-scene began with such bands as PRAVAKATSIYA (Provocation), KALIAN (Hookah), DEVIATION, HATE TO STATE… Only DEVIATION out of these bands continues to play at the moment. They are playing in a bit different way, but are still playing! I’ve been to their gig recently. The problem of the local bands is the following: for example a new band gathers together, plays for several months and then disappears. In few months you learn that the band already split up… There are lots of such bands, but there are very few of old ones. The same situation is with zines. I consider that at that moment there were about 50 zines (I never counted but I suppose that it was around that quantity). Somebody released just one issue and decided not to continue, somebody is still making zines, but these people are very few in number as well as there is less interest towards such things at the moment. A lot of people listen to and reads everything from the Internet now. I don’t know if we have Internet-zines, but paper zines are more attractive for me…
What can I talk about, if I can’t make the sixth issue of “oD.I.Y.sia!” myself. But I will not give up and will for sure finish it in the near future!))
6. Your future plans with band?Mysh: We are trying to play with a new guitarist at present, I don’t know what will come out of it. I suppose we will create 7-10 new songs and will record if everything goes OK. I don’t want to plan the exact time when it will happen, because many things tend to be postponed, troubles appear etc, I believe you understand what I mean. I hope that we will make a tour at the beginning of the next year. To my mind it is the best pastime together, though it is not always easy but it is really great. These are the plans, we will see in the future if they come true… I hope for that and that many more plans and ideas will appear.
7. What are feel in your country - i mean because political situation. Are you join some political activities, demos, or other political activities? What about restrictions against punks or people who wanted present your opinion free.
Mysh: If you wish I can send you an article about the political situation in Belarus. I wrote it several years ago and very few things have changed since that time. Maybe except the fact that things got even worse. The impressions for those who live here permanently are not good at all: humiliations of the people, there is no free departure abroad (visa control), one can’t plan any trip to be 100% sure, and of course lots of cops and wretched wages for working people… This is the minimum of impressions, I can’t remember at once everything that is going on here. I consider that restrictions for people, who want to express their opinion, which is different from the opinion of the majority, exist everywhere. But at the best one doesn’t hear your opinion or doesn’t want to hear, and at the worst you can be taken to prison for your free opinion or protest.
8. Mysh, i know you running distro. tell something more about it - what kind of music, bands...how long it runs.Mysh: It exists around 7 years. Everything began with the tapes of PARTiYA which I distributed, later I organized “primitive distro” as I called it. I believe that it was approximately year 2002. After that I got acquainted with bands, included them into compilations and afterwards took to the distro. I exchanged, took other releases from somebody and I am doing it so far. Bands by stylistics range from punk-rock to grind-core. I can sent a distro-list to your e-mail or you can see it yourself on www.distro-fik.tk (but I don’t always update the catalog in time there) or on the myspace of PARTiYA.
9.You had some tour before include some european counties. Did you feel any differences between scene in Belarus. What were some impressive experiences?Mysh: Certainly! There is a great difference. We fancy touring the European countries very much! These are loads of impressions every time. We meet many new and old friends, these are acquaintances, squats, clubs, communication, it’s very interesting! Every place is memorized in its own way: somewhere better, somewhere worse, but in general it is excellent! Frankly speaking I have a dream to take tours more frequently than we use to, but unfortunately it is impossible as other members of PARTiYA are working and studying. But every time we head to a new tour it is a great holiday!
10. Say something to the end...it up to youThanx for answers
Mysh: Thank you for the interest in us and for your patience waiting for our answers! Say hello and best regards to everybody who knows us. Resist, act, create!
See you! Good luck!
Contacts with PARTiYA: