Belarusian hardcore madness for you!
Ako bonus je tu rozhovor robený v hlbokej minulosti (teda cca 4 roky naspäť) a ten ti možno - a možno nie - napovie viac. (Je v angličtine, ale jednoduchej!)

This is my debt from past. I made interview with my letter-friend Green from Belarus, who making great artwork/music zine ZOOMDOOM. I made it 4 years ago. Now you can read it.
We started to write and trade artworks and music couple years ago and then some my drawings were published in Zoomdoom no.6
Green also playing in different bands/projects. More about them maybe sometimes, but you can also write him: zoomdoom@mail.ru
Read more here: (M) - mišo, (G)- green

and here are some Greens pics/artworks

I think that Green actually playing in band ME4TEZ, so you can listen it here:
or here
A komu by sa málilo je tu bonus č. 2. Zin ZOOM DOOM, 7 číslo s mnohými Greenovými kresbami vnútri:

Ozaj, ešte kdesi v útrobách tohto blogu nájdeš aj zin XEROTIKA v ktorom mal tiež prsty Green.
No, stačilo už!
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