nedeľa 29. apríla 2012

V Sen Sem Jih Videl / CENTER ZA DEHUMANIZACIJO (kniha) 1999

Čaute, pokiaľ niekoho z vás zaujal príspevok o slovinskej punk scéne:, možno uvíta ďalšiu knižku na pokračovanie, tento krát o kapele CENTER ZA DEHUMANIZACIJO. CZD sú takou, dalo by sa povedať legendou slovinskej scény. Hudobne to neni až také ukrutné, ale pre miestnu punk/alternatívnu scénu spravili za 30 rokov dosť. Neviem, niečím mi tak trochu pripomínajú našich CHVM. Knižku mi v takejto podobe daroval kamoš Pája, za čo mu patrí vďaka.

Tu je profil gitaristu/speváka kapely CZD a koordinátora mnohých umeleckých projektov:

"Dušan Hedl was born in 1961 in Maribor, Slovenia, where he graduated at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He takes further studies at the GEA College of Enterpreneurship, graduated 2006. He has been active in the field of culture since 1977, starting as a singer and guitar player in one of the first punk rock groups in Slovenia, however, quite soon as a teenager already he dealt with cultural organising and programming. During the 80s and 90s he has launched several interdisciplinary cultural projects developing alternative culture, especially youth (sub)culture in the region of north-eastern Slovenia and he undoubtedly presents one of the most significant personalities at Slovene independent and innovative culture scene. On his way he opened several new spaces for culture, he established many club infrastructures and built a rehearsal and recording studio. In 1999 he established Subkulturni azil, a cultural NGO for art production and publishing, thus placing his programmes (esp. a Front Rock music label and a Frontier book collection) into a formal framework. He has been regularly working with MKC Maribor as a head of the music sector. See for the details below. Nowadays the interaction of his artistic creation and organisational work aims deeper at cultural management strategies as well as cultural policy issues - it means a continual production of ideas and goods in the field of culture transmission, i.e. creative industries (music management and production, book publishing, printed, radio and TV media, social relations, linkage of independent creators as well as consumers of culture, etc). All projects are accomplished with the same precise awareness and a keen sense for the new, the different and the challenging, which he effectively positions into the new-old social milieu, where the economy of cultures and ideologies, the economy of ideas and emotions and the economy of bread and butter are in power. The importance of the repercussions of his initiatives in the area of Slovenia as well as internationally is most obvious. Interviews and texts (in Slovene) Contact: Cultural programmes Trate Youth and Rock Club - Gallery 88 (Gallery Media Nox) - MKC Maribor - Subkulturni azil Maribor End of the '70 and beginning of the 80 - Dušan Hedl was active as an organiser in Mladinski in rock klub Trate, where his ground-breaking programme expands the music programme to visual arts exhibitions, video evenings, video clip making, editing of the local newspaper, writing on culture and cultural policy, etc. In the first half of the 80s - a period of intensive civil society movements in the context of the "Slovene summer" - the Trate club was a significant meeting point of creative young people from the region (NE Slovenia with Maribor as a center) and a venue for reknowned guest from other Slovene regions and abroad. Cf. a book Rajko Muršič: Trate vaše in naše mladosti, knjižna zbirka Frontier. second half of the 80s - he co-established Alternative music workshop 'Gustaf' v kleti Doma ustvarjalnosti mladih v Mariboru - tudi ta 'pol-institucija' je ob Galeriji 88 neposredni zametek današnjega MKC kot javnega zavoda. Galerija 88 je danes renomirana Galerija Nox v okviru MKC Maribor, Gustaf pa je danes pomembno prizorišče, dvorana v okviru kulturnega centra Pekarna 1988: Dušan Hedl establishes Gallery 88 (later renamed into Media Nox Gallery, which became a part of MKC) at Orožnova street in Maribor. This is the first 'alternative gallery' in the history of the Maribor gallery and visual arts scene, where challenging inventive exhibitions took place. As a venue it presented an important outlet for the development of the new arts and culture scene as well and presented an important venue for the emerging civil society movements in Maribor (here the Maribor protests at the occasion of the JBTZ affair (related to Slovene independence) took place. 1989: he started activities at the Youth Club (Klub mladih), which was a precursor of a newly established Youth Cultural Centre (MKC) Maribor; 1993: establishment of the Alternative music workshop 'Gustaf' which runs the Journalist Club Maribor programming. As a new head of the Club Dušan Hedl introduces cultural (primarily visual arts) events; 1994: as a member of the Alternative music workshop 'Gustaf' he played an important role in the process of "squatting" the Maribor ex-military complex Pekarna (Bakery) in the city center in order to get the new cultural venue. After some years the complex was registered as an NGO for civil society intitatives and multicultural co-operation, Pekarna Magdalenske mreže. The Gustaf hall within the Pekarna is one of most important music venues in Maribor. since of the 90s: Dušan Hedl co-operates again with the Mladinski kulturni center (MKC) Maribor (Youth Cultural Centre Maribor, as a head of the music section (cf. below); 2000: Dušan Hedl was the main founder of the Subkulturni azil Maribor (Subcultural Asylum), an NGO for art production and publishing - LINK, being its executive and artistic director Music Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD) - music initiatives> concerts, radio emissions, programmes, workshops, festivals - music publishing - concert management - studio Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD) Since 1984: Dušan Hedl is a rock (self)organiser, rock (co)author - vocal, guitar, lyricks writer - in the music group Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD), which was established as an important catalyser of the music scene in Maribor and one of the most original alternative rock groups in Slovenia. CZD performed at the legendary Novi rock concert in 1986, and in 1987 received Zlata ptica, a distinguished Slovene award for young creativity. In the 90s the group CZD made four tourings round Europa, in the year 2003 it performed at the opening ceremony Graz 03, European city of culture. In 2004 CZD was invited to present its music at the Punk! Kongress in Kassel ( For more information, discography, picture gallery, reviews see in 2003 he initiates the new project - Punkappella, an American-Slovene punk choir. Cf. Music initiatives and institutions beginning of the 80s: Dušan Hedl co-operates at organisation of the concerts for the rock club in v Maribor; second half of the 80s: concives a special emission Front Rock at the Radiu Maribor; second half of the 80s - co-established an Alternative music workshop 'Gustaf' in the cellar of the House of Creative Youth in Maribor - this half-institution was next to the Gallery 88 the forerunner of the Youth Cultural Centre (MKC Maribor), which was later established as a municipal cultural organisation. Gallery 88 is today a renowned Media Nox Gallery within the MKC Maribor, while Gustaf is an important venue within the cultural centre Pekarna, presenting primarily non-commercial genres of music, e.g. experimental jazz, "rock in oposition" , HC, as well as ethno music. beginning of the 90s: Dušan Hedl connects and organised the rock music scene in the NE Slovenia; the basic tools are the festival No Border Jam, which was established in 1992 and was organised in 2004 for the eleventh time) and a series of No Border Jam international compilations. since 1996: Dušan Hedl conceived the project which merges music and literature "Rockers sing the poets"; where he co-operates with numerous Maribor institutions; since the end of the 90s: at Youth Cultural Centre (MKC) Maribor Dušan Hedl is a head of the music section and a selector; he has conceived and organised several project cycles: (1) 'Cycle of Ethno Concerts', (2) 'MKC underground festival', (3) various urban street music events, (4) 'No Border Jam' festival, which has developed into one of the most significant underground music festivals in Europe. See for more information on the MKC programmes at Music publishing end of the 80s: Dušan Hedl establishes independent music label 'Front rock', now included into the programme of the NGO 'Subkulturni azil'. The record company published the first recordings of several local non-commercial rock groups and some international groups, later also the recordings of some ethno and auteur music. Thus lots of specific music, which could not find its place within the scope of conventional record publishing, could be documented and distributed. Till 2004 around 40 recordings were published, some of them are really precious and looked for. Very popular are "No Border Jam" compilations, which present an important promotion tool for Slovene rock music creators internationally. The "Rockers Sing the Poets" are a single example of such interdisciplinary cooperation. See for more information on Front Rock at, and more information on Subkulturni azil music publishing at Dušan Hedl deals also with booking authors and bands for concerts, clubs and festivals. More about management and booking at management-booking. Studio-at-the-Border Parallel to the music label Front rock a rehearsal and recording studio in Ceršak was built and developed - Studio at the Border (Studio na meji) has become next to the Subkulturni azil publishing house a very important connection and communication point for music creators of the region, country and across the border. Detailed information about the studio see at Dušan Hedl makes also sound design and provides sound equipment. For the details see Book publishing beginning of the 90s: Dušan Hedl established the 'Frontier' book collection, and regularly publishes books in the field of humanities and literature; since 2000 Frontier makes a part of the "Subkulturni azil" publishing programme. A collection is renowned for contemporary attitudes, its openness to original interpretations and views, and innovative and multi-transdisciplinary approaches in the field of social sciences and humanities (sociology of subculture, musical ethnology and anthropology, etc.). The collection has promoted mainly authors and themes, which are connected to the city of Maribor and the region. In the field of literature it favors Slovene authors of younger generation and offers asylum to members of various subcultures. In 2004 the collection consists already of around 30 titles, which won media acclaim, some of them are included in faculty exams bibliography. For the details on individual books see Media Radio 1986 - 1990: Dušan Hedl co-operates with the initiative group for the establishment of the Maribor Radio Student (MARŠ); he conceived lots of test radio emissions at Radio Maribor and various locations in the city of Maribor; second half of the 80s: he introduced the new "Front Rock" emission at the Radio Maribor; 1995-1997: director of Maribor Radio Študent (MARŠ); he introduced some programme novelties, e.g. night radio programme; 2006-2007: director (acting manager) of Radio Student Ljubljana Printed media mid-80s: Dušan Hedl co-operates at the newspaper published by Maribor creative youth called 'Farmers and Rockworkers News" and at the student newspaper 'Katedra'; with his colleagues he made several issues of various alternative culture fanzines; for the last 20 years: he has been writing reviews of the rock concert and other music genres, analyses of cultural life in Maribor and abroad, articles on cultural policy and media culture for various media."

(info from myspace)

Kniha bude opäť rozdelená do niekoľkých častí, dnes je tu akurát prvá strana, obálka.


Another book to continue reading. In Slovenian language.


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