utorok 3. júla 2012

DEGENERATE ART ENSAMBLE "Look-Away Popeye" CD (2002)

Niečo osviežujúce na leto. Free jazz/punk/ansábel z USA. Pred pár rokmi hrali aj u nás v Blave - výborný koncert v A4. Koncom tohto leta sa dajú vidieť na Morave v Mikulove, možno sa tam stretneme.

DGE v skratke: šialenstvo, neha, neuróza, trumpety, stop-and-go post-core s jazzovou šľahačkou a punkovou čerešničkou na vrchu. Ochutnaj.



majspejs said:

Sounds Like:
Think punk, classical, think jazz, think beautiful haunting melodies, think thashing passions, think horn sections, strings, wild drums, vocals that are sometimes soft and dark and sometimes terrifying, lots of gentle songs... a unified szitzopheric world... its just best to just listen. Allow some time to listen to the different albums and songs, as they walk very different territories.

last. fm said:

The Degenerate Art Ensemble (formerly The Young Composer’s Collective) is a big-band-garage-orchestra / movement-theater company - dedicated to the creation of new cutting edge works combining music and other media. The band’s “eloquently executed high-energy repertoire” (SF Weekly), combined with the “breathtaking imagery” (Seattle PI) of the movement theater ensemble, DAE has created a unique language of expression - raw and passionate - which has earned the ensemble much critical acclaim in recent years.

Formed in 1993, Seattle’s Degenerate Art Ensemble features: Erick Cohn - percussion; Brad Hartman - bass; Joshua Kohl - composer/coductor; Steve Lohrentz - trumpet/composer; Ian-Lee Lucero - electric media; Ben McAllister - electric guitar; Haruko Nishimura - choreographer/vocals; Kendal Seager - violin; Greg Sinibaldi - sax/bass clarinet; Josh Stewart - trumpet/composer; Robert Walker - percussion


tags: avant-garde, jazz, experimental, experimental jazz


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