Slovenská gothic/dark-wave formácia a ich album z polovice 90tych rokov.
"Spolupráca s novou technikou a nové aranžérske postupy sa výrazne prejavili na druhom CD „Chvenie absolútna“, ktoré aj napriek rozdeleniu štátu vychádza na českej značke INDIES RECORDS. Album predstavuje Ľahkú Múzu ako osobitý elektronicko – goticko – industriálny projekt s vyzretým vokálnym prejavom. Výrazne sa presadili bohatšie aranže, kvalitný zvuk samplerov a charakteristická dark wave atmosféra..."
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Cold Dark-wave from Slovakia.
"Co-operation with new technics and methods in arranging is clearly manifested on their second CD “Chvenie absolútna“, that appears, despite the separation of our state, on czech label INDIES RECORDS. This album presents Ľahká Múza as a very special electro-gothic-industrial project with an accomplished vocal performance, expressively asserted richer arrangements, hi-quality sound of samplers and characteristic dark wave atmosphere..."
The history of Ľahká Múza
In 1984 the foursome young musicians (Gudrun, 677,German H. and Dr.K) found their band. On a post punk euphoria and new wave ground arise first songs of Ľahká Múza. The band has traditional set-up: vocal, guitar, bass and drums. Although the band came into being in a period of culminating communism, “where everything, that was having any breath of “western“ art, was defective“, it did find its place with its new wave production on czech underground scene, that was supporting all “unofficial“ arts. In this period was releasing of records to any unofficial artist impossible and therefore all such music used to be recorded only on tapes...
At the end of 1990 bass guitar player German H. leaves the band. In this period goes the band through significant transformation of musical orientation, it definitely waives from new guitar sound and tends to raw minimalistic “guitar“ industrial. This period maps studio recording “Nevinnosť“, which until now belongs to the “rawest”, that the band ever released. Black Point shows an interest to release both albums and so are “Schizofónia“ and “Nevinnosť“ released on this label in 1991...
At the end of 1991 leaves the band also its drummer, Dr.K. Ľahká Múza is now only a duo: Gudrun + 677. In this period they limit their concert work and start to prepare their new album “Tieň bolesti“. In 1992 it appears as their CD debut on a slovak label ZOON RECORDS. Its high sound quality (under which is signed excellent studio, professionally of sound engineer and band´s self production) convince all music magazine reviewers and as follows the listeners too, that they come into contact with something very special, considering all conditions in Czechoslovakia at that time...
At the turn of years 1994 – 1995 the band reaches to the very edge of “minimalistic“ industrial processes and it is looking for a way to new arrangement mains and to the overall sound expression. Gudrun and 677 surround themselves by modern machinery that allows to utilize advantages of samplers and sequencers. Co-operation with new technics and methods in arranging is clearly manifested on their second CD “Chvenie absolútna“, that appears, despite the separation of our state, on czech label INDIES RECORDS. This album presents Ľahká Múza as a very special electro-gothic-industrial project with an accomplished vocal performance, expressively asserted richer arrangements, hi-quality sound of samplers and characteristic dark wave atmosphere...
Complete band history you can find here: