sobota 31. mája 2014

RAJOITUS "Ootsä Valmis Kuolemaan?" (1999)

Švédski punkáči ovplyvnení fínskym punkom 80-tych rokov a chľastom. Kazeta so 79-timi songami. Na zdravie!


RAJOITUS - Swedish hardcore formed in 1992 and broke up in 2008.

Founding members Jani (vocals) and Pete (guitar) wanted to make a band that sounded like old Finnish hardcore and took on two other people Marko (guitar) and Wacker (drums). After a couple years Wacker moved away from town and in 1995 the band took on Pena on drums and recorded their first demo "Tuomittun Epäuskon Sortoon".

They played their first show in the winter of 1996. They continued to play more out of town including Finland and re-released their demo as the 12" "Hardcore Attack 1995" and the 7" "Historia Kussessa". During a show in Finland Jakke from Kaaos saw them and offered them a record deal for "Nyt On Kuolema Täällä", before recording the album Wacker returned and replaced Pete on guitar...

(Discogs info)


streda 28. mája 2014


Áno, dnes trochu netradičná nahrávka - detské pesničky. Verím že to ocenia najmä tí, ktorí decká majú, či už vlastné, alebo v rodine. Môj starší syn to počúva veľmi rád.

CD-čko mi daroval Ctib (TELEFON, UŠTKNI) po našom spoločnom koncerte. Na nahrávke sú piesne čo nahrali učitelia s deckami z Rožnovskej školy Sedmikráska. Nie je to punk, ale napr. v Ctibových songoch tam cítiť vplyvy takých DYBBUK a pod. Veď budeš počuť v skladbách Šli jsme na komedii, byla to drama alebo Mouchy. Každopádne celkovo je to veselá, pestrá, príjemná vec.

Ctibov sleeve-note:


Kto má chuť na väčší punk, tu je Ctibova posledá nahrávka + rozhovor:

Podobný príspevok:


Songs for kids, some of them are little bit "punky".


nedeľa 25. mája 2014


Ahoj, opäť vešiam na blog niekoľko fotiek. Posledne som sem dal zábery z koncertu kapely ŠIGELA v Brne (, tento krát zase dávam pár momentiek z akcií kde som hral sólo.

Prvá séria fotiek je z takej besedy o muzike a jej terapeutických účinkoch, kde sme debatovali spolu s Tónom Guthom, známym muzikoterapeutom a potom aj trochu hrali na bubny/perkusie. Akcia mala názov Choices a konala sa v prietore Kontakt na Ventúrskej ulici v Bratislave.

Choices sú charakterizované ako "ľahko vážne rozhovory s empatickými ľuďmi o úspechoch, ktoré nevidieť na prvý pohľad" a venujú sa o celospoločenským témam a prínose pomáhajúcich profesií.

Plagátik na akciu

Debata I

Debata II


Druhá časť fotiek je z koncertu v kaviarni Scherz na Palisádoch, info tu:

Fotky robil kamoš s mentálnym postihutím - Beďo a bolo tam dosť šero.

Štich I

Štich II

Tam na konci vzadu hrám...


Fotka z omše v Rómskej osade v Plaveckom Štvrtku


Toto foto je z akcie Restaurant Day, čo teda je deň, keď si môžete otvoriť na 24 hodín svoju vlastnú reštauráciu.
Zapojilo sa aj OZ Bol raz jeden človek, ktoré "pomáha kamarátom s mentálnym postihnutím a s autizmom preto, lebo v tom vidia zmysel a baví ich to" a v "ich" reštaurácii v Kontakte na Zelenej/Ventúrskej ul. som zahral niekoľko songov.

Moje (úplne prvé) foto z fanúšičkou

A posledné foto je z akcie u nás v práci, hráme s jedným naším klientom pesničku Ryby od Extipu.

Ja sedím a hrám, on spieva prezlečený za punkera.



sobota 24. mája 2014


Kabaret-post-punk-parody-rock kapela z Puly, ktorú založl starý rocker Franci Blaškovič so svojou ženou v druhej polovici 80-tych rokov. Tento šialený projekt/kapela má diskografiu o rozsahu vyše 70-tich titulov.

"Gori ussi Winnetou, neformalna cabaret-rock skupina iz Pule nastala 1986. u sklopu multimedijalnog umj. projekta Beesida eli sida. Gotovo jedini stalni član jest Franci Blašković (vokal i basist). Osim njegove supruge i koautorice Arinke Šegando (flauta, klavijature, prateći vokal) kroz skupinu je prošlo dvadesetak puljskih i riječkih glazbenika..."



Croatian Romantic-Noise-Contemporary-Space Rock-Parody group led by the vocalist and songwriter Franci Blašković, based in Pula, Istra.


štvrtok 22. mája 2014


DJ ZDENA a niekoľko jeho songov. Sample a hovorené slovo/spev.

DJ ZDENA - samples and spoken words/singing.

More info here: Interview w DJ ZDENA taken from blog Slusaj Najglasnije:

Some time ago I received an email from D.J. Zdena out of the blue (or so I thought) asking if I would like to hear some of his music. Spanski Brijac by: Lutajuci D.J. Zdena

I of course responded positive as I am sure most reading this would. Soon in the mail I received his cd (along with a couple of others which I will save for a later review) and was thoroughly pleased. Basically D.J. Zdena sings over instrumentals. But the instrumentals are wide and varied - surf, garage, polka, raggae, rock, you name it. It must be his voice, euro-nasal, croatian (all songs are performed in Croatian), and somehow forboding. At the current time this is my favorite cd to listen to when alone and enjoying a few beers. The voice, the voice, the voice. All I can say is that it is very expressive and emotional. It must be heard to be appreciated.

So, I thought it would be a good idea to interview the man even though my interviewing skills are shamefully weak. I suppose one of the amazing things in this world is the fact that it is so easy to meet musicians and hear their music from every corner of the globe and it is especially nice when you get ahold of something that you really enjoy. But enough of my babble, here is the interview:

First question is personal, how did I get lucky enough to be on your mailing list?

Lately I use to send music from my "label" to radio stations all over the world. Here in my "village" nobody is interested in it. I send some to Missouri, St. Louis radio stations which liked it and play it. When I got a message which is sent to more persons I push forward button and I see all e-mail addresses. Then I write to all those people and a few answer me. Same as you do. If that person is interested I send them a few of my sampler "digital records".

Ok, on with the other questions, 1. Your album Spanski brijac, what does that mean in English again?

That is a tough one. Spansko is a name of a part of a suburb of Zagreb where I live. Spanski means Spansko's. Brijac (Briyoch) is a barber or razor and it is a slang for a person which leads a way of life which include going out at night, drink, smoke, take drugs and things in similar fashion. It is also a play with a words because Spansko is similar in our language to Spanish and to "Sevila's Barber" by I think Ravel. I hope you'll understand that.

2. Did you use some kind of fancy keroke machine to strip the vocals off of these songs?

I don't use machines. I use instrumental songs and just add my vocal. I don't touch the music. All songs on my album are first take. I don't rehearse. I came to studio and do it.

3. Is any of the music original?

Music is not original. Although I don't know to sing very well it is kind of singing and singing is music. Mine are words. You can read some on my web site.

4. Any influences that you can list? I know that is a really dumb and irritating question but I ask anyway?

No, it is not dumb or irritating to me. Questions like that or any other are good to me because now I can say the things that are in me and without that questions maybe they never come out. First influence on me was a guy named "Prederemte" (Tearyou). I was a kid (5-6 years) living in a suburb (village) of Zagreb (capital of Croatia) and there I saw that guy all dressed in black. Black tailcoat and a black hat. He always carried a violin. I never hear him playing. He was like a musician and a village's fool. Kids are yelling at him "Tearyou" and he was always answering "Your mother's cunt". But I was never yelling, I was just looking for him. I never meet him. He died a few years later. A train hit him. When I started to listen to music (early '70's) we kids listen to english glam: Gary Gliter, Sweet, Mud, Suzy Quatro(lately I found out she is from Detroit), Dr. Feelgood etc. Than came punk and all other music. Now, my main guy is Willie Dixon. Lately I discovered: Sly & Robbie, Fela Kuti, King Tubby. I like all kinds of music. I think there's just good and bad music. Also, words are more important than music to me.

Damn, I suppose that I really hate asking questions like these, I would prefer if you could just send me something back telling me what the hell you think of all of this - whatever you'd like. I myself hate it when people ask me questions like those that I have asked before, they make everything kind of meaningless and too easy to define. I like to ask questions of nonsense more than anything.
I understand you. I hate when they ask me how I started my label and how I met some artists which later became more famous in my country and why I leave them. They wonder why I don't want to make big money. Money is not important to me, on contrary. Money made bad things to me. I have unstable character.

Don't get me wrong, I like your music, quite a bit actually, I am just not sure if asking the normal, "why do you like music?" questions valuable in any conversation with any artist. I would prefer to know how much you drink, and why or why not? Or, do you read the Bible while thinking of porn? Or, do you have any animals similar to squirrels in Croatia as when I was in Italy I didn't see any.

I'm really glad you like my "music" and I like your normal and unnormal questions. I like music because musicians are kind of witch-doctors and witch-doctors were first drug users. I also like drugs but I don't like addiction. And musicians are very well in drug use. That's why I like music. I don't drink anymore because of my problem with a liver. I didn't stop because of a liver problem. I stopped because lately after two or three beers my head starts to hurt me. I think I have an Indian gene, too. I stopped to drink coffee, I'm trying to quitt cigarettes. I smoke marihuana regulary. I stopped to do heroin and methadon in '95. I used to like LSD and Votka because of good halucinations. I used to read a bible. Good one is "Song over Songs" from which I made my song "Love is Strong as Death". I like to watch. Porn too. Never read a bible while thinking of porn. I live near the wood and there's a lot of squirrels here. They're hard to see. Near my house is a well where salamanders came. They're black and yellow and wet and really great to watch.

streda 21. mája 2014

V/A BOMBARDIRANIE NEW YORKA vol.6 (Slušaj najglasnije, 2002)

"Ja sam ti bil hi-fi manijak i skupljač ploča i onda sam kroz neko vreme skužil da i ja sam to mogu delat. Tih dana, '87.-'88., sam, ja mislim u "Rocku" ili nekima drugima muzičkima novinama, pročital da je postalo moguče privatnim osobama, preko posrednika, u "Jugotonu" štampat ploče. Ja sam več na "uradi sam" foru napravil kazetna izdanja Majki, Messerschmitt, Spoons, Machine Gun itd. Onda sam skupil po par stvari od svakoga benda i složil "proročansku" kompilacije "Bombardiranje New Yorka".

Zdenko - Slušaj najglasnije label

Šiesty diel garage/punk-rockovej výberovky. Áno, obal je taký istý ako pri predchádzajúcich vydaniach. Na tomto diely hrá aj pán vydavateľ pod menom DJ ZDENA v takom surf-garage-rock/šlágrovom štýle.



nedeľa 18. mája 2014

V/A BOMBARDIRANIE NEW YORKA vol.3 (Slušaj najglasnije, 1998)

"Slušaj najglasnije

(en. Listen Loudest) je prva glazbena nezavisna izdavačka kuća u Hrvatskoj i bivšoj SFRJ. Osnivač joj je Zdenko Franjić koji je znao prepoznati talent mnogih mladih glazbenika te im izdati prve albume nakon čega su oni napredovali u karijeri (Majke, Satan Panonski, Spoons, Messerschmitt, The Bambi Molesters, Damir Avdić,Goribor,Overflow,Babilonci,Sch,Dječak iz vode itd...). Izdavačka kuća djeluje u Zagrebu i do sada ima preko 500 izdanja."

Punk-rock/garage kompilačka jedného z prvých nezávislých labelov v bývalej Juhoslávii a jej tretie pokračovanie - z roku 1998.


label info:


Compilation released by Croatian alternative rock/blues/punk/indie label.


štvrtok 15. mája 2014

EXTEMPORE "Dům č.p. 112/34“ - live 1978

Alternatíva/folk-rock z Čiech, živák z PJD z roku 1978.

(info o koncerte z knihy Alternativa od M. Chadimu)


Live set of Czech alt-rock legend EXTEMPORE from Prague Jazz Days 1978.

Czech alternative rock group. Originally founded in 1973 as “The Naive Extempore Band” by Jaroslav Jeroným Neduha, in 1976 renamed to Rock & Jokes Extempore Band which disbanded in summer 1978. Reformed in November 1978 by Mikoláš Chadima as “The New Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”, in 1979 shortened to “The Extempore Band”, disbanded again in the early 1980s (transformed to MCH Band). Revived in early 1990 by Neduha as “JéJé Neduha & Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”.

(Discogs info)


sobota 10. mája 2014


Koncert britských alternatívnych rockerov. Rip z VHS kazety.

(Info z knihy Rock proti proudu)

Video poslal Ľubor z kapely POSLEDNÉ DECEMBROVÉ DNI. Dík.


Live gig of THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN from 1988. VHS tape - rip.


piatok 9. mája 2014

VISMAZ TRIS VARDI "Peremat" (2006)

"Creation in decay / relations in silence
mutual trust / revive fully
ability to create - burried in the beginning
lavatory of symbols - in vacuum of ideas
reproduction in existence / movement in to dead-end
overall dependance / in daily routine"

(VISMAZ TRIS VARDI - Creation in decay)

Metal-core/screamo z Lotyšska. 8 hustých, expresívnych skladieb vrátane coveru od punkových 33 LETNIJ PODONOK.


Short-living band from Rīga, Latvia playing in 2004 – 2006.
Vismaz Trīs Vārdi was a metal and hardcore punk band from Rīga, Latvia. It was formed in 2004 by musicians of Latvian bands as Hope Dies Last, One Voice, Alerģija, Danga, When My Authorities Fall and Kuru Ksetra. The band split up in 2006, shortly after releasing its debut album Peremat.


štvrtok 8. mája 2014

SPOLUVINA "Nikdy spatřené" (200?)

HC/punk z Moravy. Demo mi kedysi dávno napálil kamoš Páya, len názvy sogov čo napísal sa trochu líšia od tých uvedených na kapelovom bandzone. Myslím, že nahrávka mala vyjsť aj na vinyle, no asi z toho zišlo. Každopádne kvalitný punkový nášup tak ako to máš rád/rada.


Great fast punk/HC from Czech!!!


streda 7. mája 2014

INRI "The whole of nature is renewed by fire" (1996)

Igni Natura Renovata Integra z Kanady hrajú devädesiatkový post-grunge/HC.
CDčko mi daroval Jason Flower (pozri rozhovor s ním o pár príspevkov dozadu) spolu s nejakými inými left-overs-ovými vecami.


Post-grunge/post-HC from mid-90´s from Canada. Little bit like a ALICE IN CHAINS or so, but more HC.


sobota 3. mája 2014


US zine o kazetách pre priaznivcov magnetofónov, dvoj-deckov a hlavne starých dobrých pások.
Časák som našiel vo free boxe na koncerte v Brne. Kamoš Herbert mi vravel, že ku tomu bola aj kazeta, tú som však neobjavil.
Toto je druhé číslo. Ak máte prvé, či nejaké iné, dajte vedieť.

Čítal som kdesi, že nahrávanie a vytváranie vlastných hudobných výberoviek je jedna z najrozšírenejších foriem umeleckého prejavu mladých. Teda v dnešných časoch skôr už formou nejakých MPtrojek či Ipod-mixov.

Pre mňa boli nahrávané mix-kazety základom poznávania muziky. Nahral/vytvoril som si ich z rádiových relácií desiatky a mnoho ďalších som ponahrával kamošom. Nahrával som muziku z vinylov, z kaziet a z CD-čiek, tvoril obaly a posielal kade tade po svete. Koncom 90-tych a začiatkom nultých rokov ešte fungovali výmeny kaziet poštou, no postupne to žiaľ upadlo.

Ale niekoľko obalov z mojich mix-kaziet mi ešte ostalo:

Tieto kazety sme počúvali v aute počas našich turné s kapelou.

Playlist jednej z mnohých kaziet čo som posielal na internacionálne výmeny.


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up