A-punk zo Švajčiarska. Kazetu mi nahral a poslal Pablo, veterán miestnej D.I.Y./A-punkovej scény. Ku nahrávke napísal:
"...i have some Decay tapes as well, most worthy is the 'anarchy' tape which includes both,first demo 'atomic war' (recorded in the uk in 1984) and the second demo 'anarchy' (recorded in switzerland in 1984)...It's funny recording those tapes still in 2011!! and apart from one the Decay song(which lyrix were written by the drummer not me!)i can still stand behind all them lyrix!"

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"...After punk hit me I formed my first imaginary band and called it ‚Punky And The Stunky’.Still in skool I published a few numbers of a band fanzine about this band and somehow managed to sell all five copies of each issue.Seriously,in 1977 I wanted to be in a punk band,but was too young for that.But during my apprenticeship the day came closer when we had The Decay’s first line up in Summer of 1983.That line-up enclosed me and 3 mates who worked in the same shop! Only one of them was halfway into the Clash and France’s Telephone.The other two didn’t really know anything about punk.There we were,having a band name,a line-up,dreams of a first 7’’ but no instruments at all!It took ½ a year until we finally had the instruments and somewhere for the practise.Some of the early members left before the first practise and we got in a guy who went to skool with the drummer,a private skool and our first practise in early 1984 happened in a church!The line-up also perfectly states that I always was into punk as a global thing.My great-grandparents were from Romania.Our drummer was ½ mexican,our singer austrian and our bassist from Argentina!Sadly we never recorded anything else than poor practise room tapes with this line up.1984 saw us heading for England-we wanted to record our first real demo tape in England! First our bassist dropped out and in the last few minutes before departure our drummer pulled out as well.So there was only me and the singer arriving in Sheffield!I’ll never forget the face of the studio’s engineer who looked at us and said ‚you must be crazy’.We said we wanted to record 50 songs,and there was no drum kit,no bass guitar…somehow we started to record with a drum-machine and the bass from a synthesizer and seeing that my guitar playing was so shite we still managed to record 13 of the 50 planned songs.The engineer brought in a bass player and all of a sudden we had a professional bass and a crap sound for the rest of the music.Amazingly enough,in 2001 a guy from the USA released 4 of the songs on a bootleg 7’’!!!Later that year,some line-up changes later,we recorded another tape,this time in Switzerland.We invited 3 of our metal friends,so there was 6 of us.And to make it even more chaotic we agreed to switch instruments after every song.Those 3 metallers couldn’t play any instruments either,all the more we were surprised that some of the songs turned out really well!More line up changes later we booked more studio time,settled down with a line up and practised for the first time like a ‚real’ band.Five songs were rehearsed and all was ready for the studio session.Then we had to kick out our bassist,cos he wanted to play guitar but we already had someone…so when the day arrived it was my first time to play the bass,which of course you can hear very well,how untalented I was!From the 1st to the 3rd time in studio I had switched from playing guitar to vocals and then even to play a crap bass.Anyway,these recordings were made and we knew we had to do it ourselves.I had released the tapes under the name Sick Records,so that was also the label’s name for the 7’’ that was called „Tonight(Back From The Death)EP“ that came out in early 1985.It paid that with skool we went to visit the vinyl press plant which was not far away from where I was living.That part of skool was the most interesting thing we ever did!So,Sick Records was born,and we even had a few self-organized gigs,the first one in Sept.84 in a youth centre(just a few minutes before the gig our vocalist left,so I had to take over vocals!),and then the second was in Bern(capital city of Switzerland),and that was my first dose of a squat back in early 1985 at the ‚Punkhaus’!!Driven by all this we booked another studio time and yet with another line-up(and me switching to the drums)!That recording we liked so much so we changed the name of the band into The Brains Of Humans...
Sound quality is poor, but it is essential reference of Swiss 80´s underground experimental/A-punk.
Dobra vec. Pabla poznam zo Svajciarska, kde som zil vecinou zivota.