streda 20. mája 2015

THE DIRTY SCUMS "Dirtier Than You´ll Ever Be" (2000)

Punk-rock z Belgicka. Jedna z najstarších miestnych DIY kapiel a prierez ich tvorbou z rokov ´85 - ´87. Kazetu skompiloval a vydal Ivailo z Bulharska na svojom labely A.O.N.

FOTO 1985 - 1987





Interviews from early 90´s.:

Date: 14/03/1990
Questions by: Pablo (CHE)
Appeared in: ALTERNATIVE #4 (CHE) - Early 1990


Date: 21/07/1992
Questions by: Lara/Pablo (CHE)
Appeared in: NO SANCTUARY #4 (CHE) - August 1992

01. Who are you and what are your activities in the punk movement ?
02. How many children do you have ? How old are they now ? Their names ?
03. Why did you want children in spite of the present state of the world ?
04. What are your living conditions ? What are the drawbacks and advantages for your children ?
05. Do you think financial difficulties pose a great problem or not ?
06. Where were your children born ? Would you do it again the same way ?
07. Did you feed the baby at the breast ?
09. How do you dress the children ? Are they allergic to certain material ?
10. Does a kindergarden exist in your area ? Do you send your children to it ? Do you think it has a bad influence onto the child ?
11. What's your attitude towards school or alternative school ?
12. Did you notice a difference between your children and non-punk people's children ?
13. How do the kids react to the difference between you and other children's parents ?
14. How do other adult people react for you being parents ?
16. Has your attitude towards life changed since you are parents ?
17. Do you feel you have conformed to certain things ?
18. Do your children like the music you hear/play ?
19. Do you think a network of punk parents could be usefull and if so what would you like it to offer ?
20. What's your opinion on abortion, sterilization ?

01. Who are you and what are your activities in the punk movement ?
Pik: I'm PIK, singer and guitar-player of the Belgian punkband THE DIRTY SCUMS. We formed at the end of 1981 and so far we made three LP's, two singles, and three tapes. We also made a fanzine, The Truth is Revolutionary, of which appeared three issues.

Jenz: My name is JENZ and I am the bassplayer/vocalist of THE DIRTY SCUMS. I write a part of the lyrix and music for our band.

02. How many children do you have ? How old are they now ? Their names ?

Pik: My girlfriend and me have two girls, the eldest is born on 10/04/1988, the youngest on 16/09/1991. So Lara, maybe we can party together the anniversaries of our children. Their names are GROESJKA and JENJKA. In fact, these names come from one (Russian) name, namely GROESJENJKA, which is a person in the book THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV from my favourite writer DOSTOJEWSKI. GROESJKA is an existing abbrevation of that name, JENJKA in fact is a name we found out ourselves.

Jenz: I have a son of almost four years old and his name is FALCO (nothing to do with the Austrian singer).

03. Why did you want children in spite of the present state of the world ?

Pik: There are a lot of reasons to have or have not children. Maybe a main reason to have children is that it is really a natural wish when you live together for some time with someone you love. That may sound very simple, but I think that people who are in this situation will perfectly understand me. Another possible reason for having children is that you wish to educate them on your own personal way, of course without being indoctrinative. I think from us it was a mixture of these reasons, plus the fact that we both like children a lot. Talking about the present state of the world, for people who can't find themselves in the reasons before, I can't deny it may sound egoistic if you want to have children now.

Jenz: Actually he wasn't planned to be born at the time but nevertheless he was very welcome. I mean he was sooner than expected. The state of the world has always been the same throughout the centuries I think, there have always been bad things and I think there will always be bad things, nothing really changes. He shall have to deal with it just like every other kid, life is what you make of it. Sometimes life is very pleasant and sometimes it really sucks, as SHAM 69 used to say THAT'S LIFE. For his sake, I hope he enjoys it very much, I hope he has more luck than I have. I will always be there to support him.

04. What are your living conditions ? What are the drawbacks and advantages for your children ?

Pik: I have a normal job, I'm responsible for the computer division in a hospital. The advantages of a job are of course that you have each month your money. Disadvantages are that you don't spend much time at home with your children, and that you don't have the time to do all the things you want.

Jenz: Me and his mum live separated, we both live on our own in a modest working class house without luxury, we both can't afford it. I don't think our living conditions are effecting the welfare of our son, he has everything he needs except maybe the daily affection of his father, I don't know, but I'm sure his mother takes good care of him.

05. Do you think financial difficulties pose a great problem or not ?

Pik: I think if you have financial difficulties, that the problems become bigger when your children are growing up. I mean when they wanna study or decide for themselves what clothes they wanna wear or so.

Jenz: I don't know. We never had serious financial problems, only temporarily and in that case you eat and drink a bit less so that the kid has everything he needs. On the long run it sure could give problems.

06. Where were your children born ? Would you do it again the same way ?

Pik: Our children where both born in hospital. That was quite normal because each time my girlfriend had to spend months in hospital during her pregnancy. She had to lay down for not losing the babies ! We both find been born in water is the best. Only, in the Flemish part in Belgium, there isn't but one hospital where you can do it that way.

Jenz: He was born in a hospital because I think it's the safest way, medically speaking, and I would do it again I think. I'm not familiar with underwaterbirths, I must check the advantages and disadvantages of it first and also the opinion of the mother of course.

07. Did you feed the baby at the breast ?

Pik: They both were feed at the breast. The eldest however only for two weeks, then she had to return to hospital and things became too difficult to feed her at the breast. Because of that, the produxion of milk did stop on a more or less natural way.

Jenz: FALCO was fed at the breast because it's the most natural way to feed a baby so young and it's the healthiest way also. It makes a child stronger so they say, and I think they enjoy it more, anyway I would.

09. How do you dress the children ? Are they allergic to certain material ?

Pik: We dress them in a more or less normal way like jeans or so. They don't wear a punkoutfit if it's that what you're after. As far as we've experienced they are not allergic for certain material.

Jenz: We dress the child normal, like any other kid of his age. I don't think it would be fair to dress the child "punk" or showy, he could have problems with that at school, children can be cruel you know.

10. Does a kindergarden exist in your area ? Do you send your children to it ? Do you think it has a bad influence onto the child ?

Pik: Before our eldest daughter went to school, she first went to a kindergarden and then to a woman who does a bit the same but she does it on her own in her house with less children (I don't know the name in English). Since a few weeks now, our youngest also goes to such a woman. We both think it has a very positive influence on them. They have contact with other children. They also learn to know that they have to share things as toys, but also time. At home, mummy or daddy are almost always there to respond at their needs, there they know this woman has to look after the other children too. All this makes them more social, otherwise it's only at the age they go to school that they live together with other children.

Jenz: I think a kindergarden has a good effect on our child, socially speaking, but I think the best way to grow up a kid is the + constant presence of its mother, I think they learn more if someone is constantly busy with the child, in a kindergarden there are a lot of children, so time is limited.

11. What's your attitude towards school or alternative school ?

Pik: We know some principles of alternative schools, e.g. the Steiner-schools. The ideas behind are very interesting and there are proofs that children who went after that to a normal school were a lot more developped in different ways. Only, these schools are rare in Belgium and are certainly far away from the place we live. Even if they weren't, I still would doubt about it. As these schools don't get money from the State, parents are supposed to give a lot of money and have to spend a lot of time in it. Sad to say, with all my activities I wouldn't have the time nor the money to participate at these things.

Jenz: My son goes to a catholic school, because in Belgium it's the best education and more catholism creates great anarchists.

12. Did you notice a difference between your children and non-punk people's children ?

Pik: Groesjka is very open for things she experiences for the first time, e.g. for strange people or people with a non-white skin. Of course we can't say if the reason for this is because of us. She also finds it absolutely normal to see someone playing music or so.

13. How do the kids react to the difference between you and other children's parents ?

PIK: They are too young to see some difference.

14. How do other adult people react for you being parents ?

Pik: In fact negative reaxions are very rare. Those reaxions are then like "how is it possible that such people wanna have children".

Jenz: What the neighborhoud thinks I don't know and I don't care. The family also asks when are you gonna change and conform to society for our son's sake. They keep on nagging but I think they basically are happy with their grand-child.

16. Has your attitude towards life changed since you are parents ?

Pik: I don't think my attitude towards life changed a lot. Maybe I'm more aware now of the future, an old expression is that our children are the future, no ? You have to take a bigger responsibility on your shoulders, but that doesn't always have to mean your attitude has to change.

17. Do you feel you have conformed to certain things ?

Pik & Jenz: No.

18. Do your children like the music you hear/play ?

Pik: At the age of four it's a bit difficult to like punk- or rockmusic, but she likes certain songs. We're still sure to have a public for our music in the future !

19. Do you think a netwerk of punkparents could be usefull and if so what would you like it to offer ?

Pik: My opinion is that children have to come in contact with as many different kind of people as possible. Maybe a kind of a network or club would not offer this.

20. Whay's your opinion on abortion, sterilization ?

Pik: Morally I'm totally against abortion as a kind of preservative. I mean when couples make love without thinking and having the idea when the girl is pregnant that they can solve the situation by doing an abortion. There are enough preservatives nowadays to avoid such things. Of course there are enough reasons to do an abortion (e.g. violation, danger for the health of the mother or the child, divorce of the parents, ...) and I'm 100 % for the total legalization of abortion, which is not the case in Belgium. As sterilization is in many cases definitive, it needs a well considered decision. You may not call it a personal decision, as it has to be a decision of a couple. For what concerns sterilization in the third world, I suppose it's really the only method to solve certain problems of overpopulation, but I don't know how such things are interpreted in those countries itself.

More interviews available on the band web-site...


Belgian punkband The Dirty Scums was formed by Dirty Pik around Christmas 1981 and played its first gig on 6 March 1982. It took until 1983 before a stable line-up was formed. This line-up consisted of Dirty Pik, Dirty Zjantie, Dirty Jenz and Clo, a female singer. In 1984 the girl left the band and the rest continued as a trio.

This tape was compiled and released by A.O.N. label from Bulgaria.


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