Suvenír z dovolenky zo Zadaru.
Lokálni punks DISIDENTI ktorých CDčko som našiel v miestnom antikvariáte. Hľadal som tam najmä vinyly, no nebol som úspešný.
Inak, pokiaľ máte cestu do Zadaru tak sa určite stavte v autonómnom centre NIGDJEZEMSKA, ktoré je kúsok od centra. Bývalý vojenský komplex sa z časti zmenil na squatt/infoshop s fanzinovou knižnicou, freeshopom a miestom na koncerty.
Croatian HC/punks from Zadar.
If you are going to Zadar for sure check:
AKC Nigdjezemska - Ulica Stjepana Radića 12, 23000, Zadar
Civil initiative which occupied and restored a ruinous boiler room in the ex-military barracks “Stjepan Radić” in Zadar, Croatia. We intend to use this place as an autonomous social/cultural centre, self-governed by horizontal DIY principles of cooperation and solidarity.
Infoshop Iskra is an initiative for a library of anarchist and anti-authoritarian literature, as well as a meeting place for various discussions, screenings and workshops. We currently reside in the local book club called "Knjigozemska" which is located on the address R.K Jeretova 5 in Zadar, Croatia. This initiative is also an attempt of archiving books, pamphlets and zines which deal with anarchism, antifascism, feminism, LGBT, queer and various other subjects dedicated to radical social change.
Croatian HC/punks from Zadar.
If you are going to Zadar for sure check:
AKC Nigdjezemska - Ulica Stjepana Radića 12, 23000, Zadar
Civil initiative which occupied and restored a ruinous boiler room in the ex-military barracks “Stjepan Radić” in Zadar, Croatia. We intend to use this place as an autonomous social/cultural centre, self-governed by horizontal DIY principles of cooperation and solidarity.
Infoshop Iskra is an initiative for a library of anarchist and anti-authoritarian literature, as well as a meeting place for various discussions, screenings and workshops. We currently reside in the local book club called "Knjigozemska" which is located on the address R.K Jeretova 5 in Zadar, Croatia. This initiative is also an attempt of archiving books, pamphlets and zines which deal with anarchism, antifascism, feminism, LGBT, queer and various other subjects dedicated to radical social change.