pondelok 31. augusta 2015

DISIDENTI "Psihički tretman" (200?)

Suvenír z dovolenky zo Zadaru. 

Lokálni punks DISIDENTI ktorých CDčko som našiel v miestnom antikvariáte. Hľadal som tam najmä vinyly, no nebol som úspešný. 

Inak, pokiaľ máte cestu do Zadaru tak sa určite stavte v autonómnom centre NIGDJEZEMSKA, ktoré je kúsok od centra. Bývalý vojenský komplex sa z časti zmenil na squatt/infoshop s fanzinovou knižnicou, freeshopom a miestom na koncerty.





Croatian HC/punks from Zadar.


If you are going to Zadar for sure check:

AKC Nigdjezemska - Ulica Stjepana Radića 12, 23000, Zadar

Civil initiative which occupied and restored a ruinous boiler room in the ex-military barracks “Stjepan Radić” in Zadar, Croatia. We intend to use this place as an autonomous social/cultural centre, self-governed by horizontal DIY principles of cooperation and solidarity.

Infoshop Iskra is an initiative for a library of anarchist and anti-authoritarian literature, as well as a meeting place for various discussions, screenings and workshops. We currently reside in the local book club called "Knjigozemska" which is located on the address R.K Jeretova 5 in Zadar, Croatia. This initiative is also an attempt of archiving books, pamphlets and zines which deal with anarchism, antifascism, feminism, LGBT, queer and various other subjects dedicated to radical social change.


1 komentár:

V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up