štvrtok 15. októbra 2015

KAREL KRYL "Ocelárna" (2004)

Výberovka piesní Karla Kryla nahratých v Austrálii. Niektoré boli vydané na vinyle v roku 1984 pod hlavičkou Iron Curtain rec.(http://www.discogs.com/Karel-Kryl-Ocel%C3%A1rna/release/5115010), niektoré sú zo živého vystúpenia v Melbourne z roku 1986.



Karel Kryl was an iconic Moravian singer-songwriter and performer of many protest songs in which he identified and attacked the stupidity and inhumanity of the Communist and later also post-communist regimes in his home country.

Here you can hear few of his songs recorded in Australia and later released on EP and also some live trax.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up