Nedávno som natrafil na blog ktorý robí Brob, pankáč z Belgicka, ktorý vydával kedysi fanzin s názvom TILT!. Ku mne sa žiadne číslo tohto zinu nikdy nedostalo, tak som si s chuťou prečítal niekoľko článkov a rozhovorov zo skenovaných stránok na blogu. Prvý krát som čítal o zine TILT! v jednom (asi mojom najobľúbenejšom) slovenskom zine SEBAODHALENIE, tam bol preložený rozhovor s Brobom TILT!om z MAXIMUM ROCKANDROLLU:

Pokiaľ máš záujem, pozri sem:

Obálka posledného čisla zinu TILT!

Brobova karikatúra od Mel Hughesa
Brobs blog roll:
Articles from TILT! zine.
"Here I will gradually post bits from (fan)zines I find/found interesting, historical, meaningful, influential, funny, intelligent, surprising, peculiar, … In short: that are/were worthwile in one way or another."
Brob Tilt!
"Here I will gradually post info on and links to mp3s of tapes (demos/live/rehearsal) of HC/punk bands that I find/found interesting, historical, meaningful, influential, funny, intelligent, surprising, peculiar, … In short: that are/were worthwile in one way or another.
Don’t expect the music always to be CD/DVD quality. These are ‘punk’ tapes! If you have a better version or know where to find one: feel free to share…
I will try to get in touch with the bands but I’m sure I won’t succeed to contact everyone involved. If you think your recordings shouldn’t be here, then drop me a line…"
Brob Tilt!
Repulisves, a Belgian hardcore punk band from the 80s
History, concerts, pictures, lyrics, interviews, …
"SMURFPUNX was a collective of people from the Gent/Aalst region (Belgium) that organised concerts for (inter)national HardCore punk bands in the 1980s and early 1990s. Most of these gigs took place in the alternative cultural centre ‘NETWERK’ in Aalst but regularly also in other places in Belgium."
"After the SMURFPUNX collective [] folded in 1991 I continued helping bands with small (parts of) tours and (helped) organise(d) concerts for (inter)national HardCore punk bands at the Autonomous Meeting Centre (Autonoom Tref Centrum, ATC) de Vort’n Vis (Rotten Fish) in Ieper/Ypres. There was a whole lot of ‘shitworkers’ (doing various things) over the years..."
So, enjoy reading!
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