utorok 3. mája 2016

Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999 : Slovakia

Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999 

Príspevok z knihy "Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999" ktorú zostavil Luk Haas (vydavateľstvo Tian An Men 89 Records).

Tento punkový cestovateľ sa v knihe snažil zachytiť zásadné nahrávky z tej ktorej krajiny. Samozrejme že sa mu to podarilo len z časti, keďže treba brať do úvahy kontext doby, možnosť dostupnosti informácií a to, že punkovú diskografiu konkrétnej krajiny vnímal z vonku, ako človek zo zahraničia.

Kniha sa dá myslím ešte objednať, ja som tu uverejnil len časť venujúcu sa Slovensku.


Part of book "Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999", focused on Slovakian scene.

Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999

Contribution from the book "Discography Of Eastern European Punk Music 1977 - 1999" compiled by Luk Haas (published by Tian An Men 89 Records).

This punk traveler tried to capture essential recordings from that country in the book. Of course, he succeeded only partially, since the context of the time, the possibilities of information availability and the fact that he perceived the punk discography of a particular country from the outside, as a person from abroad, must be taken into account. I think the book can still be ordered, I have published only the part dedicated to Slovakia.

You can order book here: http://darbouka.pagesperso-orange.fr/


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