pondelok 17. júla 2017

THE EX - "Hands Up! You're Free" (2003)

Kompilácia nahrávok skupiny THE EX z rádiovej show Johna Peela. Nahrávky z rokov 1983, 1985 a 1986. Táto CD nahrávka je reedícia, originálne to vyšlo v roku 1988 na vinyle.


Pozri aj: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2017/06/the-ex-interview-from-back-to-front.html



Three Peel Sessions. 

A collection of three studio sessions for John Peel's BBC radio show. Originally released (by arrangement with BBC Enterprises LTD) on vinyl in June 1988 (as EX 035). 

Session 1 (track 1-4) took place on September 4, 1983. 
Session 2 (track 5-8) was recorded on November 24, 1985. 
Session 3 (track 9-12) dates from November 30, 1986. 
All sessions were at the BBC's Maida Vale Studios in London, England. 
Except for track 8 (which was never released before), all songs appear in different musical settings (while recorded elsewhere in time and place) on various other (formerly vinylised) Ex-products. 

(Discogs info)


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