utorok 23. októbra 2018

Ukrajinský rock 80´s/90´s

Niekoľko You tube odkazov na videozáznamy z ruskej televíznej stanice, na ktorých sú profily niektorých rockových kapiel z Ukrajiny - z miest Odesa, Charkov, Ľvov a Kyjev. 
Časom možno dám aj nejaké kompletné nahrávky niektorých zmienených kapiel.

Odesa rock

Charkov rock

Ľvov rock

Kyjev rock

Za pár drobných som si teraz objednal LP-čku kapely KOŠKIN DOM, gothic-rock/post-punk z Ukrajiny. Keď je október, vždy mám chuť na takúto muziku.

Info o albume z komentáru v angličtine z Rate your music

Koshkin Dom's second (and last) album came out on vinyl, amazingly enough. As the story goes, the guys had an acquaintance/friend among the newly rich (the year was 1991), who unloaded a lump sum for an exclusive pressing. By that time, the band had already left Odessa and were a totally different entity. "Polnoluniye" is full of programmed sounds, sequencers and synthesizers that, indeed, sounded very modern for its time and place. I suppose it is here, where the band could really wear their Gothic new-wave mantle with a dash of post-punk, even if it did not quite recapture its predecessor's morbid charm. I used to think of "Polnoluniye" as sort of an aberrant take on The Cure. As a matter of fact, there used to be a live clip of the band performing "Яблочный Край" in a strictly guitar-based setting floating around youtube (last I checked, you could only find a studio version), where Koshkin Dom sounded a hell of a lot like Robert Smith and Co. On the album, things are a bit different, rhythmically skewed and fairly left-field with overall arrangements and song structures. One could still detect a rare snippet of the band's erstwhile prog flirtations, as on some of the title track's keyboard licks. It all does not work equally well all the time, but ostensible highlights like "Новая Любовь" or "Лёгкая ночь (Небыль)" are worth hearing. And then the above-mentioned "Яблочный край" is quite the album's pop hit. As opposed to the rest of the material (penned by the frontman Max Lande), it was written by guitarist Andrei Selyunin. At over six minutes long, the band really stretch the idea at hand, but yes, it's still a memorable verse/chorus tune. Anyway, Кошкин Дом's keyboardist Constantine Shumailov eventually ended up as a member of ДДТ, while the band leader Max, years later, was gainfully employed as a manager of Аквариум. (Kazmanovich)

Inak včera boli v Blave Killing Joke, ale vypustil som to, cena koncertu bola trochu nad moje pomery. Tak som večer kukal telku :),  išiel srbský film Rany.
Ale zase, možno sa pôjdem pozrieť na The Last Days Of Jesus, ktorí chystajú v novembri koncert a na bandcampe zverejnili aj svoje prvé demo :) !

P.S. Okrem počúvania muziky som dnes bol nahrať aj niekoľko svojich novších skladieb - len tak nasucho s akustickou gitarou, bez efektov (a bez brnkátka!). Kamoš Peťo bol taký láskavý a vzal ma na Filmovú a televíznu fakultu VŠMU, do miestnosti, kde sa nahrávajú ruch a šumy do filmov a tam som to naostro za 15 minút nasekal do jedného mikrofónu.


Ukrainian rock bands from 80´s/90´s.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up