nedeľa 27. januára 2019

Loutky V Nemocnici - Dobrá medicína (2015)

Výber detských pesničiek, ktoré robia radosť zdravým aj chorým deťom. My ich s tými našimi počúvame najmä pri ceste autom.

Združenie, ktoré stojí za týmto počinom má názov Loutky v nemocnici. U nás na Slovensku pôsobí pod názvom Bábky v nemocnici. Kedysi spolu s nimi v nemocnici hrávala bábkové predstavenia aj moja Lucka.

Keď CD počúvam, mám skoro pocit že sa jedná o album ZUBY NEHTY, pretože dámy z tejto skupiny sú autorsky podpísané pod väčšinou skladieb. Moja "naj skladba" je Zlatá ryba, ktorú spieva Miroslav Wanek z Už Jsme Doma. Hlavnou "ťahúnkou" projektu je Marka Míková (starý rozhovor s ňou nájdeš tu: 


Podobné CD´s:


Songs for children. Musical arrangements by members of Czech female punk/alternative-rock band ZUBY NEHTY (ex-DYBBUK).

CD released by organisation Loutky v nemocnici (Puppets in hospitals).

About project Puppets In Hospitals:

There are about two hundred thousand children as longer term patients in Czech hospitals.
Every adult knows well how psychically demanding a stay in hospital is. Busy staff has little chance to pay individual attention to little patients and separation from family hurts them double. Small kids are often bored, lonely, sad and distressed about their illness and being away from home.
And we are trying to make the hospital stay for children as pleasurable as possible.
Civic corporation LOUTKY V NEMOCNICI/PUPPETS IN HOSPITALS deals with drama-therapy and has developed a spectrum of activities in the field of psycho-social care. For five years it has been alleviating the stay of children in hospitals and sanatoria.
Puppets can often do more for sick children than pills – elude a smile, chase away the homesick blues and help to forget the pain and suffering for a moment.
With theater plays, games and songs we try to help the process of healing, open a space for play and communication about lived reality…
The time of our stay at the ward is variable. Often we stay at the disposal for a day, sometimes we prepare a whole week program. We adapt to the possibilities of the ward, of the children. We  have a differentiated approach to children with various illnesses and collaborate with hospital personnel and parents.


Tak ak máte radi ZUBY NEHTY stojí tento album za to. Aj keď je koncept a celkové prevedenie zamerané na decká. Keď som spomínal aj tých Už Jsme Doma, tak tí dnes večer hrajú u nás v Bratislave v Kulturáku (bývalý klub Hlava XXII).


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