streda 31. júla 2019

WHY STAKLA - Ilirsko Bistro (Live MKNŽ 19​.​4​.​1996​.​)

Chorvátsky noise-rock. Ja som prvý krát túto kapelu počul na kompilácii Lunatic vol.1. 

Noise rock band Why Stakla from Osijek, Croatia. The band which was active from 1992 to 1998 recorded this live material on a concert that was held on April 19th 1996 in Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia. Why Stakla are considered to be one of the best alter rock bands from the early/mid 90’s in Croatia and their two recorded albums with the key releases of independent publishing at the time (Kekere Aquarium, Lunatic, Helidon…), and this album brings songs from both albums with one cover song that was not included in their previous discography. 


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up