nedeľa 31. mája 2020
ANNA BO - Songs Of The Melancholic Princess (2013)
Anna Bo - bulharská synthi-indie diva.
Anna Bocheva started playing music from an early age. At the age of five he started playing the piano, and at the age of eleven he participated in festivals and concerts. In 1987 she was awarded a diploma from the IV International Festival of Musical Creativity for Children and Youth in Lodz, Poland and is the winner of the Award of the Union of Bulgarian Composers for overall performance. In 1989 he again received an award from the II Festival for Young Performers and Composers - Quito, Ecuador. He graduated from a music school with a degree in piano, and later from the Academy of Music with a degree in composition. After several short participations in various groups, Anna started a solo project with the artistic pseudonym ANNA BO. Stylistic influences come from artists such as David Bowie, Talking Heads, Brian Eno, Cocteau Twins, Blondie and others. Her first song "Sister Of The Moon" was included in a compilation of New Rhythm magazine in April 2000. In early 2013, ANNA BO released her debut EP - "Songs Of The Melancholic Princess", and the recordings also included a number of guest musicians.
sobota 30. mája 2020
AVE MARIA - looking for more sonx
Bulharská punková kapela. Hľadám viac songov, demo alebo živák.
Mám len jeden song - Vakancia v nedelya".
Ave Maria - Vakancia v nedelya (92 domo; noMR).rar
From: Sofia
Style: Punk
Active period: 1990-1991
Style: Punk
Active period: 1990-1991
In 1990, Pepi the Tree, Mitko, Yuli Hiparya and Kubana formed the cult punk band AVE MARIA. Gradually they managed to gain a name and an audience. They are doing two joint concerts with the bands AMBULANCE, PARASITE ", CHOLERA, NEW GENERATION, VIOLET GENERAL, ROCK TRION TON. They also organize a big punk concert in the space behind the monument of Tsar Osvoboditel together with the groups NEW FLOWERS, CHOLERA, VIOLET GENERAL and JACK IN THE BOX. The next concert of AVE MARIA is together with the group CONTROL. In the same year, the band received an offer to sign a contract with a music company, but Pepi was late for the meeting and the recording of the album never took place. Ave Maria's last concert was in 1991 in Hall 11 of the National Palace of Culture. Dissatisfied with the organization, the musicians came out on stage completely naked and the police stopped the concert.
piatok 29. mája 2020
SHADOW BOX - Как не дочакахме армагедона (2005)
SHADOW BOX - bulharský punk/HC/thrash-crossover ovplyvnený US-HC.
Punk/crossover from Bulgaria.
štvrtok 28. mája 2020
Bulgarian Rock Archives - web
Archív bulharského rocku na webe.
Encyklopédia kapiel zatriedených podľa abecedy, roku vzniku, regiónu, žánru. Budem sa snažiť nájsť niektoré aj na kazetách/MP3.
Mňa samozrejme najviac zaujímajú punkové kapely:, new wave/avantgarda:,
alternatíva: a hardcore:
This is an encyclopedia of Bulgarian rock music from its inception (first half of the 60s) to the present day. The aim of the project is to collect information about groups that rely on original music. The profile of each group or artist includes his short biography, list of musicians, discography, links to official pages. The subject of the encyclopedia are NOT formations working on ferries and restaurants, cover and tribute groups (except for the period of the 60's to the mid-70's, when everything was in its infancy and most of the rock bands played covers
streda 27. mája 2020
MINISTRY - Chicago 1982
Kapela ktorú som spoznal vďaka MTV.
Pravdepodobne v relácii Alternative nation.
Tu je ich živák z roku 1982. Neskôr pritvrdili.
Ministry. Live set from Chicago 1982.
utorok 26. mája 2020
Irena Havlová, Vojtěch Havel – Háta H. (1990)
Dnes som počúval takúto meditatívno-experimentálne-folkovú muziku.
Multi-instrumental experimental folk, modern classical, unclassifiable male/female duo from Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic. They have worked in many other projects together and apart, and in many other genres.
pondelok 25. mája 2020
Disharmonici – Monarchy In The CZ (1997)
Punk z Plzne. Ak máš rád ZNC alebo ZASTÁVKA MILEČ, alebo kompilačku ZNC uvádi sve hosty na vlnách rádia Bla Bla Plus, mohlo by sa ti páčiť aj toto.
Disharmonici (1997) Monarchy in the CZ.rar
Folky-punk/alterantive rock from Pilsen.
nedeľa 24. mája 2020
SxDx foto 2020
Koncipovaná do štýlu starý kmet na priedomí a decká, hehe. Ale bol to umelecký zámer.
sobota 23. mája 2020
VENYA DRKIN - Tae zori (1999)
Folkový bard Venya Drkin. Rozprávka, poviedka.
Alexander Litvinov worked on this work for most of his creative life - from the beginning of the 90s. This audio version of “Tae Zori” was recorded in the winter of 1999 and, unfortunately, far from fully reflects the author’s grandiose plan. It remains only to lament about the unfair way in which life circumstances developed, as a result of which the project was never fully implemented.
Venya D'rkin is an author-performer, [artist, poet, storyteller] who very “successfully” emerged with his work amid the collapse of everything in the mid-90s. The peak of his "Artistic Career" came in the crisis of the 98th. And in August 99, he died of blood cancer. As a result: a huge amount of completely brilliant, but "raw" material. Not a single high-quality recording that the author would be pleased with.
piatok 22. mája 2020
Les Reines Prochaines - Blut (2013)
Dnes som si prečítal rozhovor s Irenou Beržnou v časopsie Rozum a dostal som chuť na takúto muziku.
Les Reines Prochaines je kabaretno-šansónovoúpost-punkovo drzý A spevavý femi ansámbel zo Švajčiarska.
Na jedno ich staré napálené CD som natrafil úplne náhodou v krabici so zlacnenými vecami v Artfore asi pred 10 rokmi.
Tu je link na ich ostatný album:
Info: In 1987 as Les Reines des Couteaux (the queens of the knives), Muda Mathis, Teresa Alonso and Regina Florida Schmid showed their first performance in a underground space in Basel. It was all about political statements, rebellion against the bourgeois society and, last but not least, about feminist aesthetics and action. All of the founders are visual artists, and created music by chopping vegetables for a soup, singing and some synthesizer sounds. One year later they continued as Les Reines Prochaines, creating music and multimedia-performances with new members associated with the group: Fränzi Madörin and Pipilotti Rist. Since then Les Reines Prochaines are on tour with changing group members, but held by a strong core. The present line-up is: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick. Almost all of them learned to play their instruments just by joining the group. „The use of music as a medium is just as important to us as the performance itself and the visual environment. This mixture gives us the freedom to cross cultural borders and categories of the various arts“. Over the years, creating shows and music have developed in their own personal style – sometimes they would call it professional dilettantism.
Les Reines Prochaines je kabaretno-šansónovoúpost-punkovo drzý A spevavý femi ansámbel zo Švajčiarska.
Na jedno ich staré napálené CD som natrafil úplne náhodou v krabici so zlacnenými vecami v Artfore asi pred 10 rokmi.
Tu je link na ich ostatný album:
Info: In 1987 as Les Reines des Couteaux (the queens of the knives), Muda Mathis, Teresa Alonso and Regina Florida Schmid showed their first performance in a underground space in Basel. It was all about political statements, rebellion against the bourgeois society and, last but not least, about feminist aesthetics and action. All of the founders are visual artists, and created music by chopping vegetables for a soup, singing and some synthesizer sounds. One year later they continued as Les Reines Prochaines, creating music and multimedia-performances with new members associated with the group: Fränzi Madörin and Pipilotti Rist. Since then Les Reines Prochaines are on tour with changing group members, but held by a strong core. The present line-up is: Michèle Fuchs, Fränzi Madörin, Muda Mathis and Sus Zwick. Almost all of them learned to play their instruments just by joining the group. „The use of music as a medium is just as important to us as the performance itself and the visual environment. This mixture gives us the freedom to cross cultural borders and categories of the various arts“. Over the years, creating shows and music have developed in their own personal style – sometimes they would call it professional dilettantism.
Each band member writes her own songs about personal musical worlds, everyday images, memories and fantasies. They all sing, and they all take turns providing accompaniment on the trumpet, saxophone, euphonium, accordion, guitar, bass, drums, strings and synthesizer. The instruments regularly change hands between the different band members, though some tend to be played regularly by the same one.
Les Reines Prochaines, the 4-woman combo that has skilfully made its mark in the music scene, is the epitome of creativity and is rich in imagination. The band’s varied performances are widely famous. They view themselves as multimedia musicians who transport their colorful prose via channels other than music. Fränzi Madörin and Muda Mathis, who have been with the band since ist formation, as well as Sus Zwick and Michèle Fuchs who joined later, make democratic music. For example, they alternate accompaniment and solo performances in rapid succession. The Queens take turns in the spotlight, they swap instruments, dance, sing, celebrate – every performance is a party! Even though the laughter sometimes gets caught in your throat, Les Reines Prochaines have a keen perception of the overall picture. They don’t mince their words, yet these words are poetry and their use of language is always affectionate.
štvrtok 21. mája 2020
Divadlo bratří Formanů - Sedlák, čert a bába - hudba k divadlu
Prosím, nemáte niekto hudbu k tomuto divadelnému predstaveniu?
V roku 1998 hosťovali Formanovci v Bratislave v STOKE s predstavením Sedlák, čert a bába a bol to fakt zážitok. Hľadám soundtrack.
Loutková komedie Divadla bratří Formanů vznikla na základě jedné z historek knihy Gargantua a Pantagruel F.Rabelaise. Její adaptace vychází z nezaměnitelného Rabelaisovského způsobu vyprávění, ale současně se stává příběhem dobra a zla, moci a bezmoci, blbosti a lidské pokory, zatracenosti a víry a hlavně prostoty člověka a jeho přirozeného konání.
Jiří Břeněk a Českomoravská hudební spol.
streda 20. mája 2020
TORPEDA 1986-1990
Rock and rollový punk z Bosny.
TORPEDA - Torpeda (1986-1990).rar
R´n´r punks from Bosnia.
utorok 19. mája 2020
BEZ NÁZVU - Otáznik (199?)
Kapela BEZ NÁZVU a ich demo z druhej polovice 90-tych rokov.
Nemám ku tomu obal ani názvy piesní.
Alternatívny punk rock z okresu Prievidza.
"Toto je album otaznik este s prvym gitaristom prva akoze nahravka v štúdiu :) ale to bolo tak medzi 1995 - 1998 neviem presne"
(gitaristov brat)
Pozri aj: STROP rozhovor
pondelok 18. mája 2020
Тёплая Трасса — Царица Небесная (1993)
Sibírska folk-rock/post-punková kapela TEPLAYA TRASSA a ich album z roku 1993.
Info o albume:
Царица Небесная ( - 123.1 MB
Царица Небесная ( - 123.1 MB
nedeľa 17. mája 2020
Charmsove deti – Jam passion CD
Jediný hudobný album Jam passion žilinsko-užhorodskej hudobnej skupiny Charmsove deti, o ktorej ste pravdepodobne nikdy nepočuli. Jej prvý koncert odznel pred 20-timi rokmi a členovia kapely sa postavili ku svojmu snu zodpovedne. Vy si teraz vďaka tomu môžete vypočuť ich punk-rockový album naspievaný po anglicky a ukrajinsky.
sobota 16. mája 2020
ARAŇA - Demo (1995)
Veselý alternative-punk-grunge-rock.
Araňa - demo 1997.rar
Prvý x som kapelu počul v rádiu Ragtime, cca 1995.
Alternative punk from Slovakia.
piatok 15. mája 2020
Neznámi ruskí pesničkári - domáce nahrávky
Pri putovaní zákutiami internetu som natrafil na digitalizované nahrávky rôznych obskúrnych ruských pesničkárov.
Info od chlapíka ktorý to digitalizoval:
A diverse collection of live recordings of completely unknown musicians, compiled back in 1998 by the informals of the Maikop district of the Republic of Adygea and presented to me in exchange for recordings of the Siberian underground (I remember these were tapes with recordings of Tomsk teams “Epochs of Aquarius”, “TBP”, Mobile Hiroshim "," The Roofs ", Artyom Zhilyakov and others).Surprisingly, at that time all this was located, exchanged and listened in large quantities without any Internet! In the 90s in all regions there was a lot of all kinds of underground, manage to record, there weren’t enough tapes! Then it was all terribly interesting to me, "official rock" was of little interest to me. And today this rare collection has found a digital life and is going online. I suspect that these are the only surviving records of the authors listed below (if this is not so, I will only be happy!).
Side A
"Yellow Dumper" (Sochi) Live 1998 (some songs from this concert were in this post ( ). It’s a very original, nothing like Sochi team.
1) Sparrow
2) Nothing was considered
3) Fear
4) Back
5) Someone is in the closet
6) Everything that was, everything that was not there
Yurik Rastaman (aka "Electric") (Sochi)
1) You have not seen
2) The girl with the braid
3) Do not interfere
4) The guy came from Vietnam
An unknown dude from Taganrog. Explicitly admirer of Bashlachev.
1) In the morning I thought it would rain ...
2) The night is to blame for everything
3) I don’t notice anything
4) Everything is covered with snow
5) Negligent attitude
6) They filled up the dimple
7) I got up, went out
8) I look in the palm of my hand
9) Wolf (Nobody I’m not at home)
10) We will hold on to the fence
Side B
Grigory Reichtman (Sverdlovsk). The recording was made in 1995 in the mountain village of Sakhrai (Maikop district, Adygea republic)
1) The hard way
2) A bowstring of intense onions
3) Time for blues
4) Under the clouds of Mars
5) It is necessary
6) There is a former joy in the eyes
7) Morning
8) Swallows
9) I would like to tell you
10) At the crossroads
11) Walnut
12) One speaks to the other
13) Two strokes
14) Rain
15) Changes the face of the city
16) Drink whiskey, sir
17) An amazing dream
18) Summer will come, summer will pass
19) Lullaby of the captain
20) Burned with beauty
21) I will give you a note on the Denon cassette
22) A pause in the wind
23) Speed
24) Cold
21) I will give you a note on the Denon cassette
22) A pause in the wind
23) Speed
24) Cold
Live in Sahrai in 1995
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