nedeľa 20. novembra 2022

N.A.T.O. – Ռուսական Ռոք: Շիշավոիված Է Հայաստանում (1994)


N.A.T.O. - Arménsky punk-rock inšpirovaný ruským rockom. 

Nahrávka / music:

Info od vydavateľa / Info from editor: 

 A stay in economically war-damaged Armenia in the Summer of 1993 and the meeting of those dedicated Yerevan engineer punks and underground musicians, struggling under unbelievable harsh conditions, compelled us to release this wonderful Soviet-styled punk record. All musicians are now living in exile in Moscow. The band later released a split 7" with Roh Dae Woo (another Yerevan punk band) on Beer City in the US. (Luk Haas, Tian an men 89 rec.)

Info o nahrávke/ recording info:

Nato – Ռուսական Ռոք: Շիշավոիված Է Հայաստանում

Foto kapely/photo of the band (author: Luk Haas)

Na tri krátke otázky ohľadom nahrávania mi odpovedal ich frontman Aram / Short interview with Aram, frontman of the band, about recording session:

What kind of recording studio was that? 

Aram: A guys from Accident, hard rock band, had a parents working in Project Institute.

So we have obtained few apartments to use for a while.

Guys brought all they have from elsewhere —  various mixed equipment we’ve got.

Two tape-recorders, one was my own...

Which other bands recorded there? Were their recordings also released on media - CD, cassette?

Aram: Few bands, mentioned in MAXIMUMROCKNROLL publication, were making records there,

In the vast majority of cases I was on a mixer and tape recorders, since noone understood this technique.

I remember names only some of them: Accident, Aspet, Motel Blues… They have no any releases, as I know. 

How did punk rock get to Armenia, a more or less Christian country?

Aram: I don't understand the question.

Is England (or UK) a "more or less Christian country" or not?

Punk was born in England, wasn't it?

Our friend Luk found punks even in wild muslim countries like Iran, Albania or somewhere else, I don’t care…

Punk was not so popular in Armenia, rock’n’roll was not the most popular style in Armenia, armenians love to listen much more jazz-rock, r’n’b, funk, jazz… except for those who listen to pop music, and they gravitate towards various oriental styles inspired by the cultures of neighboring countries - Greek, Persian, Arab, Turkish…

This explain why songs of NATO were in russian.

The first album was called «Russian rock. Bottled in Armenia»

The orange 7’’ EP with yellow cover (released by Luk in Strasbourg) contains only half of the album.

However, the others do not deserve such attention...

Záverom ešte report z časopisu Maximum Rockandroll č. 127 (1993) /zdroj: Internet Archive/

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