štvrtok 9. februára 2023

Messthetics series


Kompilácie DIY/INDIE/LO-FI/PUNK kapiel...niečo v štýle výberoviek KBD, či BLOODSTAINS ACROSS...

"Series curated by long-time collector and dealer Chuck Warner, covering exclusively UK DIY post-punk produced between 1977 and 1983. The series was initially released on cdr and then subsquently as a series of regional compilations and discrete band collections on CD.

It's an offshoot of the parent label Hyped To Death whose aim is to release rare, obscure, independent and undiscovered punk, post-punk, D.I.Y., and power-pop groups from the U.S. and the U.K. 1977-1984."





Niečo sa dá počuť tu/few records you can listen here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkV_tXh2KCKN6BMyLdPIzys1ymaiwV2MP

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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up