pondelok 6. novembra 2023

Kto Ukradł Ciastka - Rozdiał XI

Poľský 90´s SXE/pro-animal HC.

Zdroj je z výborného blogu TERMINAL ESCAPE. Ten dlhodobo robí Rob Collins, s ktorým som svojho času spravil o tejto jeho dlhotrvajúcej aktivite ripovania kaziet kratší rozhovor: https://muzika-komunika.blogspot.com/2012/12/terminal-escape-escape-is-terminal.html

Info o kapele: 

KTO UKRADŁ CIASTKA started in 1991 in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (near Warsaw). The band existed until 1994 and played a dozen or so shows, gaining recognition around the local punk and hardcore scene. At that time, they distinguished themselves with their dynamic, fast hardcore punk. Their sound was influenced by both the eagerly listened to bands of the international hardcore scene of the time along with the Polish HC Punk of the 80s. They were also one of the first bands around who promoted a drug-free lifestyle and vegetarianism. Other urgent topics such as anti-fascism were also enthusiastically presented. The breakup of the band did not end their history. Instead at the same time this marked the start of the history of Refuse Records. The band's only release, the cassette "Rozdział XI", was released by Refuse with the number 001. (Source: Refuse records bandcamp)

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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up