nedeľa 6. septembra 2009

My bands

Hi. Today I am giving here short info + two links. Two different bands where I play (or played) drumms.

STEH is my actuall band, I put here just my picture with logo. Some more you can find on our web-site. We actually try to finish our second release. I hope it will be out soon.


S.I.K.A. was a hardcore band where I played drumms. Band put out few records (more about it later). Today I posted our unreleased trax. Maybe S.I.K.A. tape will be out untill end of this year with cooperation of my friend Olmo from Germany.

Meanwhile you can check out and listen our "chaotic old skool-hc" production:

Click here to download file:

trax list:

1. O bubline
2. Zakopaný so svojím portrétom
3. Perly sviniam
4. Bahno
5. Svet sa točí dokola


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up