Pri prehrabávaní sa staršími zinmi som natrafil na "Story" uverejnenú v zine Papagájův Hlasatel č. 14-15. z roku 1997, ktorú písal frontman Trabandu - Jarda Svoboda.
tu je:


* 001 Markéto!
* 002 Přijíždí posel
* 003 Leží dáma na kolejích
* 004 Jak to všechno pěkně roste
* 005 Orel & panna
* 006 Sáro!
* 007 V čekárně u doktora
* 008 Na druhý břeh
* 009 Katarína!
* 010 Černej pasažér
* 011 Tlustý muž v zrcadle
* 012 Nemám rád trpaslíky
* 013 Hospoda
* 014 Viděl jsem člověka
* 015 Žižkovská romance
* 016 Nezdárný syn
* 017 Krysy
* 018 Historka z podsvětí
* 019 Panenka Bárbí & Málborou men
TRABAND - "The main inspiration for the band name wasn’t only the legendary and popular car from GDR called Trabant, but there is a big resemblance here though: it’s noisy as hell and will shake up your bones. Two stroke beat, um-ca, um-ca, polka and pogo. But rather than Trabant the car, the flivver reeking of beer and humor of a cheap beer hole, it was Trabant in the original meaning of the word: a guide, an armed guard, life guard. Today, we would say a bodyguard. Someone in whose presence you can feel safe and at ease even though the storm or the third world war are raging all around. And of course, the word play is appealing: tra-band, triple-band, a band of three musicians. Because at the beginning « hide they were three: Jarda Svoboda – songwriter, guitar, harmonica, mandolin and vocals, Michal Kliner – bass, Václav Pohl – percussion. A little later Evžen Kredenc, a banjo player, has become the “fourth wheel” of the band. And how about the music style? There are uncomplicated rock songs without self-centered guitar solos and with lyrics that tell stories. "The far side of country", "country-punk", "two stroke rock" – those are the tags their music earned."
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