Cez víkend som si púšťal niektoré nahrávky, ktoré som už dávno nepočul. Medzi inými aj punkovú kapelu APOSTLES. Z obalu platne mi vypadol tento rozhovor. Myslím, že mi ho kedysi dal Rado Richtárik, ešte ako potencionálny príspevok do YA BASTA! zinu. Rozhovor prekladal tuším jeden jeho kamoš, alebo ako to bolo. Žiaľ, neviem už zdroj z ktorého rozhovor bol, myslím že ani nie je celý. Nevadí, každopádne si kapela APOSTLES zaslúži pozornosť. Istým spôsobom boli priraďovaní k UK A-punk scéne, no boli aj trochu vymedzení. Neboli prototypom klasickej punkovej kapely, žiadna x-tá kopírka CONFLICT, ani ich názory a postoje neboli príliš "konzervatívne A-punkové". Hudobne brali inšpiráciu aj z rôznych iných žánrov (najmä z blues, folku, či experimantálnej hudby) takže aj tu sa dajú nájsť presahy za hranice bežného punk rocku. Členovia mali výtvarné nadanie, využívali rozmanitý "art work" na obaly svojich albumov, rôzne kresby a komixy. Apoštoli kontroverzní aj pre slobodomyseľnú punk scénu.
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APOSTLES - some info taken from You Tube:
The Apostles were formed in the Islington area of London in 1979 by William 'Bill' Corbett, Julian Portinari, Dan McIntyre and Pete Byng-Hall. This line-up of the group did not play any concerts, and only appeared in a small number of fanzines (including Paroxysm Fear and New Crimes) before Bill Corbett left the group.
Andy Martin (ex-Black Flag / Carnage) joined as vocalist in late 1981, and the group played their first concert on 22 September 1981. This line-up of the group recorded a demo tape - 'The Apostles' - in late 1981.
The music of the group is generally characterized by a varied eclecticism which encompasses punk, Blues Rock, Industrial music (with influences like Lemon Kittens, Nocturnal Emissions and Five Or Six cited), and more abstracted avant garde experimentation.
The remaining founder members of the group left the group in early 1982. Martin recruited Dave Fanning (ex-Innocent Bystander) as bassplayer, along with a revolving line-up of musicians (which included John Soares, Kev Apostle, Flump, Chris Low (ex-Political Asylum) and Olly Bucket (Eat Shit) ) in order to continue the group who went on to play numerous concerts in the London area, and to record 8 demo cassettes and 4 7" singles between 1982 and 1984.
Andy Martin and Dave Fanning were joined in 1984 by Malcolm "Scruff" Lewty (later of Hellbastard, Sidewinder, Nero Circus and Heavy Water) and drummer Chris Widni which created a line-up which remained relatively stable (with the addition of Sean Stokes and Colin Murrell) until the groups demise at the end of the 1980s. The group recorded over 10 demo cassettes, 4 7" singles and 7 12" LP's between mid-1984 and 1990. Original guitarist Pete Bynghall re-joined the group in late 1988 for their last recordings and final concert (cf Live At The Academy).
Always highly critical of the seemingly inward looking anarchist movement of the times, the autonomous and extreme libertarian approach of The Apostles seemed to portray classic anarchism, as opposed to the conformity of many of their contemporaries, This led the group receiving respect from notable members of the anarcho-punk movement such as Conflict, who released three records by The Apostles, and Crass with whom the band co-operated with during the squatting of the Zig-Zag Club and during the time in which The Autonomy Centre and Centro Iberico anarchist venues operated. Both Martin and Fanning worked during this period at the Little @ printers - an anarchist printers located in the same building as the Autonomy Centre in Wapping.
The anti-communist and anti-gay lyrics of 'Rock Against Communism' and 'Kill or Cure' on the 'Giving of Loving Costs Nothing' ep and other similarly themed later songs opened the group to charges of fascisim and homophobia. Whilst this material was intended to expose the supine attitudes of those within the 'anarcho punk' milieu who did not challenge such blatantly provocative sentiments (a tactic which Andy Martin had used since his entrance to the group), they undermined the coherence of the band's ideology, leading Stewart Home, in his book Cranked Up Really High, to describe The Apostles as "locked into...a stasis if not actual paralysis".
During the time the band was together Andy Martin began to write about his homosexuality and the subject in general which alienated many of their former fans but did not deter Martin. In 1989, Andy and Dave did an interview with Homocore fanzine which addressed this issue.[1] Among their many recordings released, The Apostles contributed the song "Forbidden Love" to the first queercore compilation, JD.s Top Ten Homocore Hits, released by J.D.s fanzine in 1990.
The Apostles split as a group in 1990, immediately forming Academy 23 which also included Nathan Coles (of The Unbelievables) and Lawrence Burton (formerly of Konstruktivists). The group collaborated with the industrial band The Grey Wolves on two songs, "Terror Chamber" and "Terror Intensifies", both featured on compilations.
Academy 23 were later renamed in 1994 as Unit who continue to record and perform to this day.
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