Viac si môžeš o TEÓRII ODRAZU prečítať v knihe "Slovenské hudobné alternatívy" od J. Fujaka a kol.

TEÓRIA ODRAZU (Theory of reflection) - alternative from Kysuce (North part of Slovakia) started back in 1987. Their first performances took place at art-expositions and at the opening of land-art objects. In their music feel affinity with the Brno 80s alternative scene. In 1990 they recorded a long-playing record for Globus International Publishing. Music of TEÓRIA ODRAZU contents jazz, minimal, experimental, avant-rock, and the different sounds. The texts breaking through exaggeration, irony and sarcasm. The band also used some poems and lyrics of local poets. Live performances of TEÓRIA ODRAZU were accompanied by a theatrical, costumes, skits. Later this developed into a position of cooperation with the theater Signum in Čadca (their home town).
This LP is a hidden jewel of 80´s /90´s Slovakian alternative music!
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