"Post-punk je subžánrom rockovej hudby s koreňmi v druhej polovici
70. rokov, nadväzujúci na punk rockovú explóziu prvej polovice
70.rokov. Post-punk hudobne vychádza z punk rocku, ale je hudobne komplexnejší, introvertnejší, experimentálnejší a intelektuálnejší. Post-punk položil základy alternatívneho rocku. Často využíva prvky krautrocku (využite syntetizátorov, dub music, amerického funky či dokonca disca. Post-punk si našiel miesto na scéne najmä v 80. rokoch a viedol k rozvoju štýlov ako gotický rock, alternatívny rock a inudstriálny rock.
Termín post-punk bol po prvý raz použitý v roku 1977 časopisom Sounds na opis hudby Siouxsie & the Banshees.V roku 1980 ho použil britský hudobný kritik Greil Marcus v spojení "britská post-punková avantgarda v časopise Rolling Stone a to v súvislosti s článkami o skupinách Gang Of Four, The Raincoasts a Essential Logic. Štýl vtedy opísal ako "iskrivý napätím, sarkastickým humorom a zmyslom pre paradox, priamočiarosť a otvorenosť v priamej opozícii a odmietnutie súčasnej produkcie pop-music".
Zdroj: „http://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-punk“
Nedávno som počúval muziku zo zaujímavej stránky:
Jej charakter a zameranie tvorcovia popisujú takto:
"The late 1970s / early 1980s were essentially the perfect time for forming an avant-pop band/project. The exaggerated claims of prog-rock were starting to fizzle out and there was a need to re-evaluate the immediacy of the pop band. The punk aesthetic suggested that advanced musicianship / music-theory knowledge was not a necessary ingredient for making music and opened the way for more performative/dadaist/DIY scenarios. The mid-80s manufactured pop project hadn't yet broken in - a project which was partly responsible for the 1990s 'over-serious' attitude. Technology-wise, the late 70s see the introduction of more affordable synthesizers, yet predate the mid/late-80s cheap mass-produced keyboards. Seemingly contradictory scenes as punk, disco, funk and minimal-electro all happen around the same time, with some bands digging into all of them with a genuine curiosity and not in a calculated attempt to "be experimental".
This blog focuses on the most obscure and/or bizarre of these creative, anarchic post-punk bands."Z Československých kapiel je tam DVOULETÁ FÁMA.
A komu by sa málilo, je tu ešte jeden tip:
"Post-punk is a rock music movement with its roots in the late 1970s, following on the heels of the initial punk rock explosion of the mid-1970s. The genre retains its roots in the punk movement but is more introverted, complex and experimental.[1] Post-punk laid the groundwork for alternative rock by broadening the range of punk and underground music, incorporating elements of Krautrock (particularly the use of synthesizers and extensive repetition), Jamaican dub music (specifically in bass guitar), American funk, studio experimentation, and even punk's traditional polar opposite, disco, into the genre.
It found a firm place in the 1980s indie scene, and led to the development of genres such as gothic rock, industrial music, and alternative rock..."
Wiki said.
2 interesting links about post punk you will find above.
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