utorok 14. augusta 2012

The Instant Automatons - profil

Jedna zo zásadných kapiel "Kazetovej kultúry". THE INSTANT AUTOMATONS. Spomenul som ich aj v príspevku o folk punku a teraz ich celkom často počúvam. Inšpiratívna kapela. D.I.Y. prístup, jednoduché a chytľavé postupy, punkový spirit a umelecký kontext. Trochu mi pripomínajú ACADEMY 23, APOSTLES a podobný typ kapiel, alebo také tie "divné" kapely z kompilačiek BULLSHIT DETECTOR - proste taký ten "zvláštny A-punk", ak by som to mal nejako charakterizovať.
V súčasnej dobe sa opäť recykluje pojem "lo-fi" a podobne. Spoznaj kapelu ktorá niečo podobné robila pred 30-timi rokmi. Akurát vtedy to volali "bad music", hehe.

Obsiahle info aj muziku nájdeš na ich stránke, niečo aj na jútjúbe.




A krátky citát z ich stránky:

"Take a lyricist with his head in the clouds and a bizarrely eclectic range of influences. Add a techie with an overactive soldering iron and a copy of Practical Electronics. Stir in a junk-store guitar, a bass made from floorboards, a DIY drum machine kit and a cheap synthesiser. Filter through an echo machine and a range of sub-standard recording equipment. Leave to simmer in a North Lincolnshire farmhouse for 2½ years. Throw in a well-seasoned rock'n'roller with a Mick Ronson fixation and a nice line in crunchy guitar licks, and add a dash of saxophone. Bring to the boil and serve up on assorted vinyl platters.

That was the recipe we followed. The result? The Instant Automatons.

The Automatons are no more - we finally called it a day back in 1982 after 5 years of lo-fi tomfoolery - but even today there remains an undercurrent of interest in what we did, or tried to do. Hence this website. Don't expect a lot of eye-popping graphics or state-of-the-art web technologies; this is not a site dedicated to promoting "the band" and showing how cool we are, because we're not. It's too late for that. This is just a repository for all the kinds of stuff we still get queries about. We hope it proves useful."


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up