štvrtok 13. júna 2013

AL & DEL / C - DRIK / DELETED "Sunnyside Hospital / Hopeless Dream" (1996)

Split kazeta s experimentálnou hudbou. Vydal a distribuoval ju Pavel Tušl, ktorý mal zoznam plný nahrávok všelijakých zaujímavých subžánrov undergroundovej hudby.

Tu je rozhovor s ním (zin DISCHACHA, rok 1998):


K muzike...

AL & DEL hrajú zmes temného popu a trochu akoby divadelnej muziky. Na Discogse majú charakteristiky ako:
"europop, vocal, parody", tak si vyber.

C - DRIK / DELETED sú v podstate dvaja interpreti, nahrali to asi v spolupráci a ide tu skôr o žánre ako minimal, experimental či ambient.



Split tape with experimental music.

Release info:


AL & DEL are from Netherlands and playing pop-y/vocal experimental music.

DELETED is Christophe Petchanatz and more info you can find here: klimperei.free.fr

C-DRIK (born Cedrik Fermont) is a multifaceted vegan artist, academically trained musician, dj, singer, composer and drummer. He is a former student of electroacoustic composer Annette Vande Gorne (Royal Conservatory of Mons, Belgium).
Of Greek, Zairian and Belgian descent, born in Congo (former Zaire) C-drík lived in Zaire, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany.


C - DRIK / DELETED split tape "Hopeless Dream" was also released by Sépulkrales Katakombes in Belgium, Trümmer Kassetten in Germany, Façade in France and BBP with different covers and catalogue numbers.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up