Anarcho-punk zo Švajčiarska. Jedna z mnohých kapiel, kde hral aktívny Pablo (možno poznáš kapely ako EARTH CITIZENS, PROTEST, AVARICIOUS či DOMO ARIGATO), ktorý mi túto kazetu aj poslal. Necelá polhodinka punkovej muziky s vplyvom kapiel typu CRASS či CONFLICT.
Vyšlo to na Sick rec.
"Sick Records was born,and we even had a few self-organized gigs,the first one in Sept.84 in a youth centre(just a few minutes before the gig our vocalist left, so I had to take over vocals!) and then the second was in Bern(capital city of Switzerland) and that was my first dose of a squat back in early 1985 at the ‚Punkhaus’!!
Driven by all this we booked another studio time and yet with another line-up(and me switching to the drums)!That recording we liked so much so we changed the name of the band into The Brains Of Humans and released the tape as "Anarchy,Peace,Love,Liberty,Equality".Well,I guess you know the continuation of the story,more line-up changes,more recordings, more band names, more releases..."
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+ Rozhovor s Pablom zo zinu VZBURA č. 4:

Pablo bol (a stále je) hodne komunikatívny týpek, kedysi sme menili nahrávky a písali si listy...dlhé listy. Niektoré z nahrávok, čo mi poslal dám na blog. Ale kedy, to neviem ani ja sám.

(List od Pabla z r. 2000)
Swiss A-punk. Live concert played in 20.11.1985.
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