štvrtok 2. augusta 2018

Notchnoi Prospekt - Neznakomie litsa / Ночной Проспект - Незнакомые Лица (1985)

Notchnoi Prospekt - divná muzika pre divné časy. Rusi dali svetu mnoho zaujímavých a aj podivných vecí. Rád si od nich kadečo pustím, prečítam (aktuálne práve poviedky od M. Bulgakova), zvlášť, keď to môžem kedykoľvek zastaviť, vypnúť, odložiť a nemám to povinné. Bol by som rád, keby to tak ostalo na večné časy.

Táto kapela mieša rôzne štýly dohromady - post-punk, elektro-new wave či divný pop. Tu je ich prvý album z roku 1985.

Notchnoi Prospekt-Neznakomie litsa (1985).zip

Inak, pokiaľ sa ti páči song "Seven nation army" od White Stripes, určite si pusti song "Radiopriemnik" od Notchnoi Prospekt. Možno budeš prekvapený.


Notchnoi Prospekt was formed in Moscow, 1985, by Alexei Borisov (guitar, vocals, lyrics) (nbresearchdigest.com, shum.info) and Ivan Sokolovsky (keyboards, electronics). At the very beginning of their activity the duo played electro-pop with the elements of rockabilly, twist, ska, post-punk and industrial. In 1987 the drummer Sergei Pavlov and violin player Dmitry Kutergin joined the band. Since that time NP started to develop industrial electronics mixed with psychodelia, noize, free improvized music and absurdizm. In the 80-s NP became popular in Russia, playing concerts all over the country and taking part at different rock and art festivals. The most famous live performances and recordings of NP in the 80-s are "Humanitarian Life" (86), "New Physicists" (87), "Democracy and Discipline" (87/88), "Acids" (88/89), "Asbastos" (1989/91). The first concert abroad NP played in Vienna, 1989, in "Stalingrad" club. After that NP has been on tour in Scandinavia and released "Sugar" LP at "Accelerating Blue Fish" label from Malmö (Sweden)... 

...more info here


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up