utorok 26. februára 2019

PIGÚRA - Grass, dva, trip, štyri (1996)

Ešte krátko ku kapele PIGÚRA. Ku včerajšiemu príspevku jeden bonus:

Nahrávku fyzicky nemám, fotka obalu kazety je zo FB kapely a link je z portálu hudba.zoznam.sk.
Nahrávka tam je zverejnená v MP3, ale s iným obalom a s iným počtom pesničiek. Ak máte nieto presnejšie info, pošlite. 

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fancy some demos ripped into fairly limited mp3s full of glitches? get here then: 
Pigura is one of lost bands of the slovak underground. her leader Juro Revicky, a poster child of post-communist bloc, was a largely self-taught wonderkid, who died absurdly young in 19 of overdose, drawing comparison to another youngster, Marek Brezovsky.
I am not even sure this album ever came out, sources i stumbled upon so far confirm only two demos the band recorded with Juro. their music has been mostly linked to the third wave of local punk scene, distinctive in escalating both aggression and musicality. 



Pigúra live

(nemáte niekto nahrávky z starších koncertov /cca roky 94-97/ kapely Pigúra???) Na You tube je akurát koncert z Propeleru ´99)


Demo cassette of Slovakian alternative-punk/HC band PIGÚRA. I do not have original piece, so picture of cover is taken from FB page of the band and link to MP3 is from one musical site. Title of songs on the cover do not match with music exactly.

Alternative punk-rock mixed with post-HC like F.N.M. / Helmet/ Therapy?...or so.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up