pondelok 24. augusta 2020

Kuzle ‎– Še Pomnite Kuzle Tovariši?

KUZLE - vynikajúci divoký punk zo Slovinska zo začiatku 80-tych rokov.



Kuzle was a punk band from Idrija, Slovenija, former Yugoslavia, active from 1979 to 1981. Idrija is a Slovenian town that was famous in the 80's for it’s quick silver mine, lace, žlikrof dumplings, psychiatric hospital and a punk band named Kuzle (bitches, female dogs).

A group of young boys got together in the eighties and formed a band. They had many things in common: were all full of hormones, read the Yugoslave rock magazine Ðuboks, were fanaticaly buying vinyl records in Italy and listened, felt and lived for punk music. Soon the band Kuzle was formed, the memberes were: Dare Kaurič guitar/backing vocals, Bojan Lapanja vocals, Iztok Turk drums, Dušan Moravec bass guitar/backing vocals.

In the following years they made almost sixty songs, had around thirty gigs, a few recordings, appeared on TV and radio stations and issued a compilation Lepo Je ... (translated to ’It Is Beautiful’). Later on they changed two drumers, first Bojan Pajer then Iztok Lampe.

Unfortunately the endless years the members had to serve the military service for the National army of Yugoslavia changed everything in the band and Kuzle soon become a part of the past without having released anything while they were active. (Discogs info)


nedeľa 23. augusta 2020

Element Antysocjalistyczny - You tube kanál


Pred 10 rokmi som robil rozhovor s Arturrom z blogu Stilon-C60, ktorý sa venoval mapovanie poľskej punk/new wave scény 80-tych rokov. 

(Rozhovor z fanzinu Muzika Komunika č.1, 2012)

Teraz sem dávam odkaz na You tube kanál Element Antysocjalistyczny, ktorý tie nahrávky sprístupňuje formou videí.


streda 19. augusta 2020

Barackca ‎– Eine Kleine Punk Musik (1995)

BARACKCA - maďarská punková kapela hrajúca od začiatku 90-tych rokov, ktoá mimo iné absolvovala aj nejaké to turné po Ázii.



Hungarian punk band.

he Barackca formed in 1993 in Budapest. Political songs already appeared in their early years alongside with the satirical ones. They self-published a total of 8 albums. They had over 700 concerts in 24 European and 4 Asian countries. In their songs they often criticize capitalism, point out social problems, and they hold racism, National Socialism and every repressive authority unacceptable.  


utorok 18. augusta 2020

ANTI-OSA Kompilácia

Anti-Osa Fest. 


Anti Osa.zip


Live compilation of Czech HC/grind/punk bands.


sobota 15. augusta 2020

Tankcsapda ‎– Baj Van!! (1989/2002)


Maďarský punk.

Pri mapovaní punkovej scény sa snažím okrem Čiech a Slovenska občas zahrnúť aj okolité krajiny a pokiaľ mám možnosť sa do niektorej z nich pozrieť, vždy tam hľadám aj nejaký klub, obchod, či možnosť navštíviť koncert.

V minulosti som už na blogu spomínal rôzne nahrávky a kapely napríklad z RuskaBulharska, Litvy, Lotyšska, ChorvátskaSrbska či Čiernej Hory. Je možné, že raz tie texty skompletizujem a doplním viacerými fotkami a prípadne vydám ako fanzin, alebo ako rozsiahlejší článok.

Posledne, pri krátkej rodinnej dovolenke na severnom brehu jazera Balaton, som v mestečku Veszprém narazil na hudobný obchod Zene Zóna, ktorý bol takým podivuhodným mixom výpredjových tričiek, potrieb pre domácnosť, elektra a CD shopu. V krabici pri kase som ale narazil aj na kazety starých punkových kapiel. 

Jednou z nich bola TANKCSAPDA, kapela, ktorá začala koncom 80-tych rokov ako punková banda, neskôr stočila smerom na metal. 



Punk band from Hungary.


streda 12. augusta 2020

utorok 11. augusta 2020

A World Divided Tapes


Zaujímavý kazetový label W.D.T. vydávajúci DIY HC/punk prevažne zo štátov a ostrovov, ktoré obmýva Stredozemné more.





Check also this interview:


DIY collaborative, non-profit label that promotes mediterranean and international punk.


utorok 4. augusta 2020

The DIY - Dissociation demo 1997

DIY - punk rock banda z Maďarska.


Band info: 

THE DIY (Do It Yourself)

The history of the band is worth breaking down into epochs, all the more so as the team operated with more or less interruptions. Unfortunately, human and musical disagreements have always had a bearing on the life of the team.

The original (Tihanyi - Kis - Lehner - Sipos) line - up was (perhaps) the most successful so far. All the demos of the band, countless concerts both in Budapest and in the countryside, and an album "Nice Things" are related to this line-up.
Fortunately, the band was able to conduct a lot of concerts in many major cities of the country at the time. Of course, not everything was as beautiful as the reception of the band nationwide ... By the time the band started, the songs on the second album, the band and the bass player are completely apart. At first there are musical problems (Pumpkin wants more melodic music, and the singer is getting rawer and more outspoken ...) and later the personal contradictions within the band become more acute.

After the bassist left the band, people practically migrated in the team ... From
that position, people changed almost every two months. The band could give a party or two and the band could still record a single. Then Tamás Pólinger arrived in the band, then Andris Bokor after Tomi left.
In 2001, DIY was "discontinued" in this lineup. (It is especially interesting that by this time, instead of Lacika, Koller Sanyi was sitting behind the drums, who later left Shitpump after a talent search and a party in Kaposvár, and later became the frontman of the Foul Side, unfortunately this band also became a beggar of the great Hungarian underground scene ...) At the end of 2001 it was the band's "last" concert in this line-up ...
In the summer of 2005, DIY reunited thanks to Kox and Kizon. In addition to the two original members, Dávid Kamarás, drummer and Imre Kiss (ex-Exceptional State), bassist, will join. Then, after a couple of gigs, a few new songs, a lot of rehearsals and a few hysterically mixed discussions, Imi left the band. In fact, it was not musical, but rather human disagreements that caused the problems (as usual!).
After all, first Kox, then Imi's departure and Kox's return, Kizso joins the Basseros position, so the band advances into a trio ... According to the original plan, a second guitarist would have been given a place in Do It, but mostly his negligence. due to the band remaining in the trio as it did not go to rehearsals or concerts.
It will be fully preserved until November 2006, and quite a few concerts will be held by this line-up. Then Kox unexpectedly quits the band again and focuses on his own privacy. He later trumpets the older band members and a couple of his buddies, giving birth to his own band: The Dead Play, which (after some member changes,) is called Kox n 'Roll .
In the spring of 2009, just in the rehearsal room of Shitpump , who is working on his return, the circle of friends of 'Pump's bassist Doma will appear, who will not play music together incidentally in an anonymous formation. The thought arises again about what would happen if ... Unfortunately, nothing happens for the time being, as other problems have to be solved around the 'Pump House.
After all, it brings Do It together again to start practicing for a concert that Shitpump is almost forced to give up. In the last moment before the concert, Kox gets out of DIY again (saying that Kox N 'Roll is more important to him), and is replaced by Miklós Jány from the above-mentioned circle of friends. Towards the end of 2010, the test-dead band will start to come to life again, as a few gigs and a temporary pause in Kox N ’Roll will result in the original guitarist reappearing, but by then everyone will be out of the band.
So some "persuasion" and Hysteria drummer Péter Csányi after accession, Kizso again mixed with the post of bass.

In 2011, the band will take part in a major national tour in the company of various bands. "Who are you punking ?!" series will end roughly in the summer, at the Free Festival and the Swept Festival. 
In 2012, the band did not perform much. The "Kox, Kizso, Csányi" line-up will perform for the last time at the I. 36-hour Pogó Festival.
At the end of the year, Shitpump membership will be part of a special lineup, including DTG drummer in this formation, rehearsing some of the band’s songs and giving three concerts called “The DIY Special Edition”. (This specko lineup will also perform at the II 36-hour Pogó Festival in 2013!)
In October 2013, the band will resurrect, but now, in addition to the singer and the drummer of the special line-up, two new members will join the band, Dániel Keresztiy as guitarist and Mattia Endre Enzo Scognamiglio as bassist. With this line-up, the band tries out a concert program and then starts recording the new record ...

Info from Hungarian zine Kolera.


Hungarian punk.


pondelok 3. augusta 2020

Хуй Забей ‎– Лирика задроченных бюстиков / Huj Zabej ‎– Lirika zadročennyh bjustikov (1989)

Podivná ruská parodická post-punk kapela HUJ ZABEJ a ich prvá doska z roku 1989.

HUJ ZABEJ is a Soviet / Russian underground group from the city of Vidnoe , founded in 1989 by school friends and stairwell neighbors Begemot (Igor Bazhanov) and Karabas (Vladimir Kaptsov). Most of the songs consist of one verse and are 30-50 seconds long. The band's music is mostly performed in a parody context and in various genres: blues, jazz, punk rock, pop, French chanson and even country. At the initial stage of their creative career, the group played in the style of punk rock. (wikipedia)

Their first album "Lyrics of Jerked Busts" 1989


nedeľa 2. augusta 2020

TEMELÍN - Fuckland (1990)

TEMELÍN - divný alternatívny rock.
Platňu som kúpil už dávno za pár korún, no počul som ju snáď iba tri krát.
Dá sa ešte zohnať niekde na nete.

sobota 1. augusta 2020

SKOVKA - Olomouc - Ponorka 2019-10-08

Hudobno-nehudobná podivnosť. Včera mi Brouk (kapela Stern) na priedomí klubu Rožňovského klubu Vrátnice (VRAHtnice) spomínal, že sa nedávno podieľal  na projekte SKOVKA.
Ak máš rád ZABLOUDIL a podobné haluze, nech sa páči.

V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up