nedeľa 4. septembra 2022

Interview with Goran Perišić /EPITAPH fanzine - HC/punk zine from Sarajevo : 1987 - 1990 : Former Yugoslavia/


Rozhovor s Goranom Perišićom, hudobným nadšencom, punkerom, rádio DJ-om a svojho času vydavateľom HC/punkového fanzinu EPITAPH, ktorý vychádzal koncom 80-tych rokoch v Sarajeve.

Položil som mu mailom niekoľko otázok, na ktoré veľmi promptne odpovedal. Goran aktuálne robí rádiovú show Brzo Sagorijevanje, ktorú šíri prostredníctvom MixCloudu a čoskoro by mal byť v éteri jej Slovenský špeciál, venovaný punkovej muzike z našich lúk, hájov a hôr.

G: Goran, vydavateľ fanzinu Epitaph

Goran Perišić - Peša started his journey back in the mid 80´s by running his xeroxed zine Epitaph.


1, Hello Goran, first of please, tell me briefly about yourself and when did you fall into the punk movement? 

G: I was born in 1966 in Sarajevo, former Yugoslavia, now Bosnia and Herzegovina. And still live there.

First time I caught punk rock in 1979 when I bought my first great album by Stranglers - Black and White and never let the spirit go. Once a punk, always a punk. And  during last 40+ years on the scene I was a singer in a short running band Viva La, write reviews of concerts and new albums for a local youth magazine, organised a gig for a first US band in my town (Verbal Assault), running a distro on gigs, published a fanzine Epitaph, played music on three radio stations and used to DJ at several clubs.

Today, I am doing interviews with scenesters for an upcoming book about oral history of Sarajevo underground 1980-1992 and doing a internet mixcloud radio show Brzo Sagorijevanje  (Rapid Combustion).

Goran s partiou a Henry Rollinsom v nezávislom rockovom klube Kulušić v Záhrebe (1989) /zdroj: FB Goran Perisic/

2. How was the punk scene in Sarajevo back in the 80's and what is it like today? Are there any venues, bands, fanzines and other things worth mentioning?

G: Compared to other big punk new wave Yugo cities at that time, like Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Zagreb, Belgrade, Rijeka, Skoplje we are always two steps behind. From 1980 we saw a lot of big Yugo names at that time (Buldožer, Paraf, Elektricni Orgazam, Prljavo Kazalište, Idoli, Pekinška Patka, Azra, Haustor,Termiti,...), but local scene was weak and ignored by media, promoters and two local record labels. A lot of bands split up sooner than they achieved something significant. Communist party and police are also very hostile to punk bands and punx in general. After Winter Olympics in 84 there was a new movement here, New Primitives, local respond to UK punk but more in a funny thugs petty criminals kind of fashion and musically it wasn't fast enough (more kinda faster rocknroll or ska pop) and went highly commercial first locally then even more popular in Zagreb or Belgrade. More underground stuff came in probably best years 1987-1991 where a lot of gigs from well known bands from UK and USA (Disorder, Amebix, Verbal Assault, Mega City 4, ALL, Jesus Lizard) came with strong Yugo names also (Borghesia, Quod Massacre, Mizar, Niet, Patareni, Grč, Kud Idijoti, Laibach,...)

Today, venues are only two regular AG, student club of Architecture university and club Jazzbina a pub with various blues, rock, jazz, indie concerts. Also a new squat is on the horison in abandoned restoran Dom Pisaca run by DTC Sarajevo, independent youth organisation looking for their own place for cultural activities.

Bands, well, a lot of musicians and concert promoters leave the country because of the disfunctional government, corrupted politicians and their nationalist speeches, jobs, and usual depression... melodic punk OFSAJD and street Oi punk MOCA I BIZNISMENI...there are some high school underground bands like SRKLET,ČINČILA and BAŠ BETON. A couple of metal bands and one man guitar/electronic projects like MUHA and SAVIJA AMBROSIA. Also, trilogy of bands (Snake Eater-high voltage rock, Popik-punk sound and Motherpig-crust hc) run by the same local scenester Šaran who also run a couple of podcasts and metal shows on his Izvan Svake Kontrole web site.Fanzines,as far as I know only Punkura, not just music but other art and subculture poetry. Get in contact with them at:

Also, some kind of museum of Sarajevo rocknroll history is planning to open soon and gallery exibition on that subject.

Book on Sarajevo Underground 1980-1992 is in process of collecting interviews with over 90 scenesters from that period.

3. EPITAPH zine. Let's talk about your HC/punk fanzine. What was the initial idea to start of zine, what were your influences and how did the zine change from its first issue to the last one? Did you make it all by yourself, including collages, graphics and the like? 

G: I came back from army and try to study at university but that went downhill because I was a fuckup. So, I started to work as a courier for a bank. After reading a lot of foreign fanzines like MRR, Flipside, Trust, La Linea Diritta, T.V.O.R., my friend Dragulj  Alen and I decided to make one ourselfs. The name we pick from an comic book of Lucky Luke, not famous California punk record label. First issue we make poor design. After that Alen kinda stay as a part time contributor and in came with a great help Saša Milutinović Lala with his many contacts in international punk hardcore community. Also with a help from oldest active punk in town, Dragomir Križić Krizha with design, graphics, collages. From number 5 in came Vlado Dugandžić from Pula (singer of Pasmaters band) to study art design here in Sarajevo. The zine was open to many contributors with national and international scene reports, band interviews and short infos, reviews, letters, live reports, even some columns on politics in punk, etc. There were 12 issues from december 1987 til november 1990.We are very proud to have interviews by big names of punk hardcore and underground from USA, UK, Europe (Haine Brigade, Random Killing, Foreign Legion, DRI, Oi Polloi, Sewer Trout, Instigators, GG Allin - not many fanzines outside USA got an interview with this late madman, Vibrators, Colera, DOA, Manic Street Preachers, Soulside, Madball,Verbal Assault, Naked Raygun, Inferno) and almost every Yugoslavian bands active in that period. Zines were photocopied, usually 20 pages or more and a last one 48 pages. Copies of each issue varied from 50-100.We got good reviews in many zines.

4. Did you cooperate also with other fanzines from former Yugoslavia? 

G: Yes,we did that,we exchange zines, reviews, scene reports and we even get interviews with authors of other Yugo zines like Bolji Život - Novi Sad (Goja ,Boris, Alex),Warhead - Slavonska Požega (Goc),Platfuzz - Laško (Miloš, Silvo, Matija), Dvadeset 4 Časa - Belgrade (Gvido).

I must mention David and Irena (RIP) from Vrnitev Odpisanih (Ljubljana), Adamič Zips and Chains (Split), Oliver U Mojim Očima (Kragujevac), and many many others....Bujo, Stom, Toše, Alpi, Šunjka,

5. Please, mention a few bands that were important in the 80's in Sarajevo/BiH. 

G: Opera Lu (first new wave ep in BiH), Bonton Baja, Kongres, Elvis J. Kurtović, Zabranjeno Pušenje, SCH, Ženevski Dekret (from Mostar)

6. Tell me about your actual radio show/podcast/Mixcloud session, how you choose the music, who does the dramaturgy and so on...?

G: My radio show Brzo Sagorijevanje or Rapid Combustion first started in may 2015 as a radio show on a BH Radio 1 (biggest public national radio station) but I copied that shows and put it online on Mixcloud days after original airplay. After two years, new menagement led by heavy nazi Serb director cancel all free lancer editors and programs that didn´t want to obey their new fascho rules. So, I continue to put out my shows only on internet, each issue every couple of months. Mostly, I search out for brand new songs by bands all over the world including ex-Yugo countries and locals sometimes. Music is mostly punk hardcore and genres similar like ska, post punk, Oi, new wave, stoner, metal, garage, etc.

Lately, I start to talk in english because I got feedback from all over so it is easier. I prepare a playlist, do voice announsment and send everything to my good friend Darko Kujundžić in Zagreb who is web designer and also very good at mixing and puting my show on the internet. I got sometimes a special edition like Canada, Macedonia or DC Dischord special and right now I am preparing a Slovakia special with a big help from Michal Kralovič. It will be my #45 show.

Bands and labels can contact me at:

Goran, thanx a lot for your trust and effort. 



Anarhija all over Baščaršija !" ...sedím pri kašni na námestí v Sarajeve (2010)


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