nedeľa 18. septembra 2022

The Naive Extempore Band – Azbestový guláš (1975)


Nahrávka kapely EXTEMPORE z roku 1975:

Vyšla na kazetena  labeloch J.J.N.records, Fist Rec, neskôr na Black Point

Zmienka o kapele Extempore: úryvok z článku z juhoslovenského časopisu START (1984) (preklad a prepis P. Karlíček):

Band info: Czech alternative rock group. Originally founded in 1973 as “The Naive Extempore Band” by Jaroslav Jeroným Neduha, in 1976 renamed to Rock & Jokes Extempore Band which disbanded in summer 1978. Reformed in November 1978 by Mikoláš Chadima as “The New Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”, in 1979 shortened to “The Extempore Band”, disbanded again in the early 1980s (transformed to MCH Band). Revived in early 1990 by Neduha as “JéJé Neduha & Rock & Jokes Extempore Band”...(Discogs)

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