nedeľa 10. októbra 2010

looking for records

I have a book about HU punk, (which somebody send me in xerox version longer time ago - THANX A LOT!!!) ...and I am looking for some records, maybe someone have it and is open to trade, or just can record me it on tape (yes, I still do tape-trading). So I am looking (especially)for:

WYX - Lie, lie, lie /SP Hungaroton Start 1983
A.E. BIZOTTSÁG - Jégkémbalett / LP Hungaroton Start 1984

...but if you have anything from this list and want to trade, write:

(from book: Pozsoni Ádám "A Lenin-szobor helyén bombatölcsér tátong-A mygyar punk törénete" 1978-1990)



1 komentár:

  1. ahoj
    This is Erik writing. I am Hungarian but living in Brno now for 3 years. I have many records of this list, and willing to tape trade, so write me and lets speak about the details if ou are still interested:
    zatim Erik


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up