sobota 30. júna 2012

ARTO LINDSAY TRIO " Aggregates 1-26" CD (1995)

Arto Lindsay - jeden z hlavných predstaviteľov tzv. NO WAVE scény 70-tych rokov a jeho neskoršie hudobné úlety z polovice 90-tych rokov.
Free jazz/post-punk/rock alebo také čosi...zaujímavá a výbušná zmes hudobnej avantgardy a experimentu.

prípadne ešte pozri:



"Arto Lindsay (born May 28, 1953, Richmond, Virginia) is an American guitarist, singer, record producer and experimental composer. He’s probably best known as a founding member of the influential no wave band DNA, though his work after DNA has been quite prolific.

He has a distinctive soft voice and an often noisy, self-taught guitar style comprised almost entirely of extended techniques..."

"Arto Lindsay has made a lifelong habit of crossing both geographical and musical borders. Born in the United States and raised in Brazil during the heyday of that country's pointedly eclectic Tropicália movement of the 1960s, the multi-faceted songwriter/producer/vocalist/guitarist has forged an international reputation as an artist whose work is as seductive as it is challenging. From his late ‘70s recordings of abrasive “no wave” through his acclaimed series of solo albums beginning in the late ‘90s, Lindsay has bonded rhythms and melodies from diverse cultures and genres in provocative new ways, crafting inimitable soundscapes whose impact can range from fragile pop pleasure to sheer sonic assault..."


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up