EBBA GRÖN boli spolu s ASTA KASK jednou z mojich prvých melodickejších švédskych kapiel, čo som počúval po tých všetkých severských crustových zverinách.
Výborná muzika. Tu je ich prvý singel z roku 1978 s pekným názvom "Antirock".
V Československu sa nimi nechali inšpirovať napríklad teplický punkáči FPB, ktorí prevzali od nich song.

(Link poslal Láďa, dík)
EBBA GRÖN and their first single from 1978.
"Ebba Grön was not the hardest punk band in Sweden, after the two first records it was hardly punk at all, and the band did only hold together for five years. But in this time they almost single-handedly managed to bring Swedish punk rock into the spotlight, and they became more popular than any other bands in that genre, before or after. A decade and a half after their breakup they were still uncontested as the kings of Swedish punk. Ebba Grön was formed as a trio in 1977 by Ljungstedt, Thåström, and Eriksson, who already played together in the bands Urin and Fajt. Their stage debut took place in March 1978 when they played warmup for the Lerium at the local youth center, and by financing it themselves they released the debut single "Antirock" one month later. The band bought all the 500 copies and sold them on the streets. After a concert at Långholmsparken, which was recorded by the national radio, they were contacted by Håkan Lagher from Mistlur, who offered a contract and to re-release the single..."
(info from You Tube channel)
"Ebba Grön was a Swedish punk band formed in Stockholm in 1977. Ebba Grön consisted of Joakim Thåström (lead vocals, guitar), Gunnar Ljungstedt (drums) and Lennart Eriksson (bass guitar, backing vocals). Thåström, Ljungstedt and Eriksson were also known as Pimme, Gurra and Fjodor. After the release of their second album in 1981, they were joined by a fourth member, Anders Sjöholm, also known as Stry Terrarie, on keyboard. The group disbanded in 1983..."
(info from Wiki)
"Ebba Grön was a Swedish punk/rock band. The band was formed in 1977 by Joakim Thåström (Pimme), Gunnar Ljungstedt (Gurra) and Lennart Eriksson (Fjodor), all from Rågsved, a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden. Their debut album, We’re Only in it for the Drugs, was released in 1978. After their second album Kärlek & Uppror (“Love & Revolt”) in 1981, Anders Sjöholm (Stry Terrarie) joined them. Their third album, released in 1982 and simply named Ebba Grön, also became their last; the band never recovered after Fjodor went to jail for four months for refusing to do military service, and the group disbanded in 1983. The three remaining members went on to form the group Rymdimperiet, which soon became the influential rock band Imperiet.
“Ebba Grön” was a code name the Swedish police used in an operation against a terrorist group (a part of the German Red Army Faction), planning to kidnap the Minister for Immigration, Anna-Greta Leijon, in 1976.
Their probably most famous and most played song is Staten och Kapitalet (“The State and the Capital”, roughly translated) and is a song purely and very directly critical towards the Swedish politics and politicians of the time, or maybe unjust politicians in general. The song is actually a cover of Blå Tåget’s Den ena handen vet vad den andra gör (“The one hand knows what the other hand is doing”).
Many of their songs take up political issues or themes, but their main message doesn’t seem to be overtly political. As they state in Tyna Bort (“Perish”, or “Fade Away”) they think music should be for your mental health and nothing else. They also seem to have been very much for living ‘punk’, as in caring about your freedom most, that money doesn’t give happiness, young, careless and rebellious is right, and so on."
(info from last.fm)
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