nedeľa 10. marca 2013

EXTREME SMOKE " 7" EP + demo 3" (1993?)

Grind core starej školy zo Slovinska. Sedem palec + demo na jednej kazete. Vydal to Stano Šnelly na Ble! rec. Kúpil som to tuším v Slovinsku alebo kde.

Sedem palec pôvodne vyšiel na labely Psychomania records v roku 1993 a demo s názvom "Open your eyes...and die!" na Wild Rags records v roku 1991.


Extreme Smoke (formerly Extreme Smoke 57) was the first and legendary noise and grindcore band from Slovenia. The band was formed in the beginning of 1990, in the city of Nova Gorica. Extreme Smoke split in 1993 and legendary Slovenian grindcore band Deeper Than World (D.T.W.), which lasted for a very short time, raised on their ashes. They are still remembered as a cult band in the worldwide underground grind circles.


Seven inch + demo on the cassette!


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up