Tentokrát obal bez muziky. CD-čko mám totiž kdesi zahádzané medzi haldami inej muziky, ale táto krásna kniha je tu.
Unikátny booklet v podobe otváracej knižky s ilustráciami Martina Velíška, kresliaceho člena UJD.


Vyšlo to vo vydavateľstve Argo, rok 1996. Druhé vydanie vyšlo v roku 2000 a bol ku tomu aj tučný booklet (niekdy ho tu prefotím).
Info: https://www.discogs.com/U%C5%BE-Jsme-Doma-11-Spring-Hell-Fall-Winter/release/1827412

Pozri aj: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2013/07/miroslav-wanek-texty-1981-1991-1991.html
Unique booklet of band UŽ JSME DOMA. Sorry I can´t find CD (which was included) actually.
"Over the course of its existence, Uz Jsme Doma has received all kinds of labels for the music that it plays: intellectual punk, Slavic tone provocation, African music, orchestral punk, funky punk, ska, inspiration by Uriah Heep, Gregorian chorus, melodic avant garde and plenty of others. The group has continually resisted being placed into any of these categories, making use of an ever more diverse and expanding range of mediums, which in their use generate a compact, unified, and unmistakable effect.... They dedicate all their energy and fantasy towards the goal of deserving that most simple of labels: good and meaningful music."
– from the UJD pop-up book
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