pondelok 26. júna 2017

ZDOB SHI ZDUB - "450 Sheep" (2003)

Niekdy dostanem chuť na muziku typu: GOGOL BORDELLO, OTAVA YO, HAJDAMAKY (tých som, myslím, videl na Námestí SNP na výročí Nežnej revolúcie) a pod.
Dnes je tu CD kapely ZDOB SHI ZDUB. Moldavská/rumunská kapela, taký ethno/folk-core. Začínali na nezávislej scéne, svojho času sa umiestnili aj v Eurovízii a stále hrajú. Ich CD-čko som našiel v bratislavskom Mjúzik shope.

450 Sheep



Since mid 90s "Zdob si Zdub combines the hardcore and Moldovan folklore in a unique and elegant way, offering a spectacular live show… call them ethno-rockers, if you wish. Add some hip-hop, drum'n'bass, jungle, punk… an original music crossover, the meeting point of urban intensity and rural spirit. This charismatic band leaves deep traces in Moldova’s music history, however feeling at home in front of any audience it reaches.
The detailed biography is available here.
Although coming from a small, isolated and economically poor country from Eastern Europe, their creativity, dedication and diligence led to the building of an interesting Discography (details in Albums) and brought them on stages all over Europe.
Zdob si Zdub performed in more than 20 European countries, from small clubs to big festivals. Among the most important festivals are: in Hungary – Sziget; Denmark – Roskilde; Serbia – Exit; France – Festival Sin Fronteras; Belgium - Esperanzah!; Switzerland - Open Air Gampel; Germany - Krefelder Folkfest, Tanz&Folk Festival Rudolstadt, S.O.M.A.; Czech Republic - Rock For People, Colours Of Ostrava; Slovak Republic - Aerorock, OKEY Leto Fest, Hodocvas; Poland – Woodstock; Romania - Fete de la Musique, Cerbul de Aur, Stufstock, Peninsula, Folk You; Holland – EuroSonic, Mundial; Russia – Maxidrom, Nashestvie, Krilya; and others.
Over the years, Zdob si Zdub opened for renowned bands like: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Emir Kusturica & No Smoking Orchestra, Korn, Biohazard, Rollins Band, Rage Against The Machine, Soulfly, The Garbage, Fun Lovin' Criminals, Linkin Park and many others.


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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up