piatok 29. septembra 2017

HLUBOKÁ ORBA č.8-9 (1995)

Mali ste radi fanzin Hluboká Orba? Aj ja. Toto číslo som zohnal až dodatočne, začiatkom nultých rokov niekde v čitárni v domčeku ŽANŽ, alebo som si ho okopíroval od kamoša, neviem už presne.

Dosť veľa ďalších čísel fanzinu H.O. nájdeš tu: 

Pozri aj:


štvrtok 28. septembra 2017

TaMtAm club - hľadám nahrávky na kazetách/looking for cassettes recordings from the TaMtAm club

Hľadám nahrávky z Petrohradského klubu TaMtAm, živáky z koncertov, čo vyšli na kazetách. Na vinyle myslím nevyšlo nič.

Klub TaMtAm fungoval v Petrohrade v rokoch 1991-1996 a bol zásadným miestom pre tamojšiu HC/punkovú scénu. 

Tu je starý report z Petrohradu (Hluboká orba č. 18) od Szarapowa, kde sa klub spomína:


Szarapow mi teraz nedávno napísal, že na mieste kde klub bol, je teraz divadlo, alebo kaviareň a poslednú stopu po klube - jeho logo/nápis na stene - premaľovali pred niekoľkými rokmi.

Ja si ten klub predstavujem niečo ako naše staré Ú-čko, alebo kluby Rock Fabrik na Kominárskej, či New Model Club (kde som teda nikdy nebol, ale taký podobný charakter miesta by to mohol byť)

Pokiaľ by ste niekto mali nahrávky z tohto klubu, dajte vedieť. Ja mám len tieto tri kazety:

+ ešte túto: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2015/06/chimera-live-in-moscow-tamtam-other.html

Pozri aj: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2013/06/va-tamtam-live-hits-199.html


Hello I am looking for more recordings from TaMtAm club (St. Peterburg, Russia). I have just three cassettes. Maybe anyone have more...? Please, help if you can.

Info about TaMtAm club:











streda 27. septembra 2017

utorok 26. septembra 2017

L´ATTENTAT - "Made in GDR" /Textová príloha/ (1987)

Textová príloha ku platni "Made In GDR" od východonemeckej punkovej kapely L´ATTENTAT. Platňu som si kúpil pred ix rokmi v nejakom distre vo Viedni na EKH, stála pár eur. Teraz je z nej už celkom vzácna vec. Pôvodne vyšla na X-Mist records a výťažok z predaja platne mal byť venovaný členom kapely ktorí zdrhli "na Západ". 

Pôvodná verzia má aj rozkladací obal-plagát a samolepku, ktorú som venoval kamošovi Sivovi - môjmu spoluhráčovi z kapely ROVNOU CHODBOU, ktorý si ju nalepil na basu. Bolo na nej nahnevané prasiatko s čiernou zástavou. 

S ROVNOU CHODBOU sme od L´ATTENTAT hrali aj cover skladby "Smogalarm", ale o dosť rýchlejšie. Počuť ho môžeš tu.

Booklet Made In G.D.R.:

Pozri aj: 

Ešte by som rád doporučil veľmi zaujímavý článok od Paayu, ktorý písal o kapele NAMENLOS a punku v bývalom východnom Berlíne. Pokiaľ ťa zaujíma ako žili a s čím sa potýkali punks v totalitných/nedemokratických režimoch, je to naozaj pútavé čítanie.


Lyric booklet from LP "Made In GDR" of punk band L´ATTENTAT.


pondelok 25. septembra 2017

TEMETKEZÉSI VÁLLALAT - "Utolsó remény" (1992)

Maďarská alternatívna kapela zo začiatku 90-tych rokov. V Maďarsku bola aj punková kapela s totožným názvom, ešte v 80-tych rokoch.

Alternatívni rockeri TEMETKEZÉSI VÁLLALAT hrali taký indie-rock/shoagaze/melancho-rock...keď máš rád kapely ako LEN ŠTRK A IHLY, QUERYEN, BLANCHE, starých SHELLWOY a pod. (alebo zo svetových mien: JESUS AND MARY CHAIN, COCTEAU TWINS, SMASHING PUMKINS, TELEVISION, starých U2...) možno sa ti budú páčiť.

Link s kazetou a obalom mi poslal jeden ich bývalý člen - Zoltán. Vďaka.



Alternative rock band from Hungary that existed in years 1991-1994.
Link was sent by their ex-member Zoltán. Thanx a lot!


nedeľa 24. septembra 2017

CRIST / LISTRA (Interviews)

Pred časom som si kúpil cez Discogs kazetu srbskej kapely CRIST. Crossover/punk/metal v dobre nakombinovanom pomere. Z bývalej Juhoslávie ma bavia skôr punkovejšie veci, ale táto kapela má svoje čaro, môže za to aj špinavší zvuk a pekne znejúca basa. Práve na basu tu hrával Gvido Obradovič, propagátor juhoslovanskej DIY punk scény v 80-tych rokoch.

Starý rozhovor s kapelou CRIST zo zinu BOLJE ŽIVOT fanzinu tu:

S Gvidom som v sporadickom mailovom kontakte, hudobne je stále aktívny, hoci teraz už inklinuje ku kresťansky orientovanému rocku. Jeho súčasná kapela má názov LISTRA a tu je kratučký rozhovor (respektíve jedna moja otázka a jeho odpoveď), ktorý som s ním spravil v angličtine. Inak silno odporúčam rozsiahly rozhovor s Gvidom v poslednom čísle zinu Hluboká Orba.

Listra interview:

Mišo: Whats intrigued me is that you actualy playing in the band LISTRA which the Christian deliberate. How did you come to faith?
Can you write me more about this scene? Is there in your country more Christian-rock/punk bands? Where are you playing? Do you have some releases? And do you know Tomasz Budzyński? He was singer of Polish hc/punk bands SIEKIERA and ARMIA and he have also band 2Tm 2,3 with Christian message... Do you know any Slovakian punk-rock or hard core bands?

Gvido: Listra is something I had started 5,6 years ago. I was inspired by JCTv. they are still existing. 
Unfortunately there is no christian band or whatsoever existing in this part of Europe. Nor I had hear of any except one from Sweden, as we speak about Europe. Faith, well, it came about I think in 1995 when I had a burglary  I was badly robbed in my flat, lost my girlfriend who went alcoholic, the Nato attack has just started later in 1999 and the economical way of life in Belgrade was just going in the circle, the life was going on all in the circle with no hope. It was a time when I was on the seaside and suddenly enter the door of a Catholic church. From then it started more or less, all from the beginning it was just like upside down from the beginning. There are things I wouldn't like to talk about some were miracles, lots of that changed the way I act today.
As far as I know the only christian pop rock or rap metal or just rap bands come from United States. That is where I got inspiration of. By the JCTv and by the bands. Its been going on for me, for about 9 years I guess. 
No I don't know of any Slovakian punk bands.  
Again thank you very much. 



sobota 23. septembra 2017

THE BLAIN - "Adj nekunk egy évet!" (1991)

Maďarská punk/hc kapela zo začiatku 90´s rokov. Myslím že to je ich prvé demo. 




Linky zaslal Zoli - dík!

THE BLAIN vydali celkovo tuším tri demá, krátku informáciu o kapele (a ich treťom deme) nájdeš tu.


THE BLAIN - 90´s punk/hc from Hungary.


piatok 22. septembra 2017

REVOLVER/Револьвер - Interview (September 2017)

REVOLVER je garage/60´s surf-punk-rocková kapela z Petrozavodsku, z oblasti Karelia, na severovýchode Ruska. Natrafil som na nich už dávnejšie prostredníctvom split 7" platne z vydavateľstva Tian An Men 89 rec., ktoré vydáva punkové a undergroundové nahrávky z celého sveta. 

Jednotlivé nahrávky REVOLVERu sú ale od seba hudobne trochu odlišné, absorbujú rôzne vplyvy, samých seba za punkáčov ani nepovažujú, skôr za individualistov a hudobne vychádzajú najmä zo surf-rocku a 60´s rocku alá BEATLES/ROLLING STONES.

Pred časom som im poslal zopár otázok a dnes mi prišli odpovede. Rozhovor je v pôvodnom znení, v jednoduchej angličtine.

1.Hello REVOLVER, when did you start your band? What were your musical influences? How was alternative scene in Petrozavodsk when did you stared? Can you write here your discography?

Hello! Revolver were founded in the late Eighties in Petrozavodsk (Northwest Russia) by two art college students – Nikita Vlasov and Maxim Koshelev. Initially the band were influenced by the early Stones, The Beatles and the '60s garage rock. Those were quite unusual influences for the Soviet alternative scene at that time, which was mainly dominated by politically concerned folk rock bands with a touch of the New Wave-inspired make-up. As for Revolver discography it comprises of nine or ten albums, five of them can be found on iTunes, two have never been re-released.

2. How did you discover punk / alternative music in USSR before 1989? How did you got your first recordings/records? Do you remember of your first record ever which you bought?
As far as we know most of the 'alternative' music in the USSR before (and after) 1989 had been supervised by the KGB and we weren't terribly keen on being a part of it. The only way of  'forbidden music' distribution was copying reel-to-reel tapes and cassettes. Although in the late '80s the only existing state record label Melodia began to cautiously release LPs with some of the popular underground bands' albums. But as it was said above Revolver have never been influenced by those bands considering them rather unexciting. In the 'Nineties any interesting Western music could be easily found on 'pirate' cassettes and we used to buy them in great quantities. That was our 'Age of Enlightenment' in a way. But we weren't interested in copying Western stuff, being very self-content ourselves.

3. The first time I heard your band was split EP with  Imperya Snegov. How did you contact them? That split was released on French label Tian An Men 89 Records running by Luk Haas. Did you meet him personally or he contacted you just thru mail? TAM 89 Rds declaring that „it was created in 1993 for the purpose of releasing punk music from parts of the world where, due to financial reasons, civil wars, or lack of record factories, there is no possibility for the bands to release their music on vinyl“. Do you consider yourself as a punk band?
There was a fellow journalist in SPb and he sent our cassette to TAM89, and most likely we weren't aware of it. That's how it happened. We have never considered ourselves punks in the proper sense of the word. We are individualists, we could never join any 'movement' and did only what we fancied doing. All our albums sound as though they were made by different bands.  Perhaps that's the reason why Revolver aren't mentioned in any 'decent' Russian rock encyclopedia despite our having 9 or 10 albums released.

4. How is scene in Karelia today compared of the 80s /90´s. What about bands? And what about venues / clubs in you country? There is possibilty fo bands as your to have a gigs? I saw on You tube that you also play in TV. In what kind of programs?
Today things everywhere seem to be the same, due to the Internet there are not so many chances for anything unique. The situation in Russia was more thrilling in the '90s, there were lots of really interesting bands playing in underground clubs. In the 2000s the commercialisation began, the centralised rock radio was created with its own 'format' and many a good band have just disappeared. There's not much fun today.

5. GROMYKA – it is side project or regular band? Do you have any other projects/side-bands?

Gromyka are a regular band and it takes most of our time these days. We also have a band called SuperMotoZoids which is famous for surrealistic cover versions of  popular songs.

6. Is there existed some indie-magazines, or fanzines in your city/country?

We hardly read any music magazines as they don't seem to us a good things to read. We read books. As far as we know there is the Rolling Stone magazine in Russia. But it seems like everything is in the social networks now. With a few exceptions music journalism digressed a good deal.

7. What is your opinion on politics? Here in Slovakia, you can actually is often read in newspapers, that is some indicia that many Russian trolls and agents of Russia who are trying to destabilize the political situation. Your opinion to Putin´s politic? What is your opinion on Europian Union, for example?

There is hardly anything more boring than 'politics' really, only music magazines can compete with it.
8. Are you in contact with punks/alternative bands from other countries? Are you playing / touring also in other countries outside of Russia?
Yes, Gromyka played in Poland, Estonia, Finland, Norway.

9. What´s your future plans with REVOLVER?
Despite Gromyka's taking much of our time Revolver haven't been disbanded and still have gigs from time to time. We have never dismissed a possibility of a new Revolver album.

10. Last question – it is all yours. Tell what you want, what you have on mind, some message. It can be also in Russina language (if it is easier for you) - my colleague from work promise to me that he translate it to me.
We'd like to apologise for the delay and dearly recommend you Gromyka ))

Thats all, thanx for your time to answer to this interview :)

Pozri aj/see also : 


Band profile:

Revolver (formed in 1988) is quite untypical a band on Russian rock scene To begin with the band members claim they don't know “how to play rock”. To prove it they took part in many rock (and non-rock) events including enormously popular in Russia Nashestvie festival, DDT – rock festivals, hosted in various TV shows (e.g. cult TV show “Antropology”, Russian MTV shows), they had their videos on Russian musical channels, even charted in Russian hit list, but still...Nobody knows what's this. 
On the other hand, unlike many rockers heading for sound perfection, Revolver stays “primitive” and doesn't use electronic gadgets exept amps, mikes and semi-analog delay unit made in GOOD-OLD soviet days and which colour is black. 
Throughout their career Revolver members main intention was to write so-called “songs” and not to be involved in some musical movement 
They used to change direction as often as they like, recording albums and playing live with funeral orchestra (1997) or even with blonde [female] organ player/singer (1998) etc anyhow managing to sound distinctively “Revolverish”. 

They lyrics are witty and simple to Russian audience and exotic to non Russian ones, proving that voice often is just another good musical instrument...


Interview with Russian indie-rockers REVOLVER.


streda 20. septembra 2017

Platne na výmenu - Rock na vinylových doskách (LP, SP)

Ponúkam pár platní na výmenu:

Info: Jiří Schelinger, F. R. Čech ‎– Nemám Hlas Jako Zvon

Info: František Ringo Čech, Jiří Schelinger ‎– Hrrr Na Ně …

Info: Schelinger* • F. R. Čech ‎– …Nám Se Líbí…

Info: Precedens ‎– Pompeje / Vášeň

Info: Banket ‎– Prečo Vy Ľudia XX. Storočia...? / Štrbina Lásky V Grafikone...

Pozri prípadne: http://muzika-komunika.blogspot.sk/2017/07/vymeny-na-leto-2017.html


Pre lepšiu orientáciu zháňam napr.

ĽAHKÁ MÚZA - Tieň bolesti LP (orig. CD mám)
KÓMA - Lidé bez tváří LP (orig. CD mám)
KÓMA - Demoliční pás/Fata morgána světla SP
BEZ LADU A SKLADU - Horúce hlavy LP (orig. kazetu mám)
PROUZA - Ve dne v noci LP (orig. kazetu mám)
KAREL KRYL - Dopisy LP (orig. kazetu mám)
JAROMÍR NOHAVICA - Mikymauzoleum LP (orig. kazetu mám)


piatok 15. septembra 2017

DIFFERENT LIFE - Informačný bulletin (obnova linkov)

Tak predsa ešte jeden re-up. Na základe komentára ktorý mi prišiel ku jednému staršiemu príspevku z minulého leta (DIFFERENT LIFE - Informační bulletin pro jiný život č.1-2 (1996))obnovujem link. Ak je to možné, píšte prosím žiadosti o obnovu linkov do mailu. Dík.

V linku nájdeš súbor v ktorom je v PDF formáte oskenovaných 5 čísel časáku Different Life - č.2/1994, č.2/1995, č.3/1995, č.4/1995 a č.1-2/1996.


Skeny a PDF verzie vyhotovil (aspoň myslím) Whack.


V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up