utorok 12. septembra 2017

Vágtázó Halottkémek ‎– "A Semmi Kapuin Dörömbölve" (1992)

VHK - maďarský psychadelický, "šamanský" punk-rock. 
Tento album má viacero verzií, vyšiel aj u Alternative Tentacles.


Link poslal Zoli, vďaka.


Galloping Coroners, or Vágtázó Halottkémek (VHK), emerged in 1975, finding instinctively its path to play instinctive primeval music eliberating the elementary powers of nature creating ourselves and revolting to its high completion in a free spontaneity and overwhelming energy. The VHK discovered a new method of playing music, which is not a simple improvisation but a completely free creation of music born on stage, liberating the deepest musical creative power, as well as playing more or less pre-written materials. This music is called as shamanistic/psychedelic hardcore but is in reality an unrestricted outburst of life energy. This is not only a music, but an attitude to grasp the essence of life with our deepest nature and grow it by its own law. The group says it is a magical natural music, a cosmic vision about the origin of presence. It develops in a sovereign way as a self-revelation with its elementary power.




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V/A "TaMtAm Live Hits" (199?) - re-up